Module Clang__ast.Lazy

type decoration = Custom(LazyNode).decoration =
| Cursor of Clang__.Clang__bindings.cxcursor
| Custom of {
location : source_location option;
qual_type : qual_type option;
and opaque_decoration = decoration
and 'a node = 'a Custom(LazyNode).node = {
decoration : opaque_decoration;
desc : 'a LazyNode.t;
and qual_type = Custom(LazyNode).qual_type = {
cxtype : opaque_cxtype;
type_loc : opaque_type_loc;
const : bool;

true if the type is const-qualified.

let example = "const int one = 1;"

let () =
  check pp_decl parse_declaration_list example @@
  fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Var { var_name = "one";
      var_type = {
        const = true;
        desc = BuiltinType Int};
      var_init = Some { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1)}}}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false

let example = "int x;"

let () =
  check pp_decl parse_declaration_list example @@
  fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Var { var_name = "x";
      var_type = {
        const = false;
        desc = BuiltinType Int};
      var_init = None }}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false
volatile : bool;

true if the type is volatile-qualified.

let example = "volatile int x;"

let () =
  check pp_decl parse_declaration_list example @@
  fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Var { var_name = "x";
      var_type = {
        volatile = true;
        desc = BuiltinType Int}}}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false

let example = "int x;"

let () =
  check pp_decl parse_declaration_list example @@
  fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Var { var_name = "x";
      var_type = {
        volatile = false;
        desc = BuiltinType Int}}}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false
restrict : bool;

true if the type is restrict-qualified.

let example = "int * restrict x;"

let () =
  check pp_decl parse_declaration_list example @@
  fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Var { var_name = "x"; var_type = {
      restrict = true;
      desc = Pointer { desc = BuiltinType Int }}}}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false

let example = "int * x;"

let () =
  check pp_decl parse_declaration_list example @@
  fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Var { var_name = "x"; var_type = {
      restrict = false;
      desc = Pointer { desc = BuiltinType Int }}}}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false
desc : type_desc LazyNode.t;
and type_desc = Custom(LazyNode).type_desc =
| Pointer of qual_type


let example = "char *s;"

let () =
  check pp_decl parse_declaration_list example @@
  fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Var { var_name = "s"; var_type = { desc =
      Pointer { desc = BuiltinType Char_S }}}}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false
| LValueReference of qual_type
| RValueReference of qual_type
| ConstantArray of {
element : qual_type;
size : int;
size_as_expr : expr option;

Constant-sized array.

let example = "char s[21 * 2];"

let () =
  check_pattern quote_decl_list parse_declaration_list example
    [{ desc = Var { var_name = "s"; var_type = { desc = ConstantArray {
      element = { desc = BuiltinType Char_S };
      size = 42;
      size_as_expr = Some { desc = BinaryOperator {
        lhs = { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 21)};
        kind = Mul;
        rhs = { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 2)}}}}}}}]]

let example = "void f(char s[21 * 2]);"

let () =
  check_pattern quote_decl_list parse_declaration_list example
    [{ desc = Function { function_type = {
      parameters = Some { non_variadic = [{ desc = {
        qual_type = { desc = ConstantArray {
          element = { desc = BuiltinType Char_S };
          size = 42;
          size_as_expr = Some { desc = BinaryOperator {
            lhs = { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 21)};
            kind = Mul;
            rhs = { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 2)}}}}};
        name = "s";
        default = None; }}] }}}}]]
| Vector of {
element : qual_type;
size : int;


let example = {|
  #include <stdint.h>
  int32_t __attribute__((vector_size(16))) v;

let () =
  check_pattern quote_decl parse_declaration_list_last example
    { desc = Var {
        var_name = "v";
        var_type = { desc = Vector {
          element = { desc = Typedef ({ name = IdentifierName "int32_t" })};
          size = 4 }};
        attributes = [] }}]
| IncompleteArray of qual_type

Incomplete array.

let example = "struct s { int i; char array[]; };"

let () =
  check pp_decl parse_declaration_list example @@
  fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = RecordDecl { keyword = Struct; name = "s"; fields = [
      { desc = Field { name = "i"; qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int}}};
      { desc = Field { name = "array"; qual_type = { desc =
        IncompleteArray { desc = BuiltinType Char_S }}}}] }}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false
| VariableArray of {
element : qual_type;
size : expr;

Variable array.

let example = "void f(int i, char array[i]);"

let () =
  check pp_decl parse_declaration_list example @@
  fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Function { name = IdentifierName "f"; function_type =
      { result = { desc = BuiltinType Void };
        parameters = Some {
          non_variadic = [
            { desc = { name = "i"; qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int }}};
            { desc = { name = "array"; qual_type = { desc = VariableArray {
               element = { desc = BuiltinType Char_S };
               size = { desc = DeclRef ({ name = IdentifierName "i" }) }}}}}];
          variadic = false }}}}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false
| Elaborated of {
keyword : elaborated_type_keyword;
nested_name_specifier : nested_name_specifier option;


named_type : qual_type;

Elaborated type.

let example = "enum example { A, B, C }; enum example e;"

let () =
  check_pattern quote_decl_list parse_declaration_list example
    [{ desc = EnumDecl _ };
     { desc = Var { var_name = "e"; var_type = { desc = Elaborated {
      keyword = Enum;
      named_type = { desc = Enum ({ name = IdentifierName "example" }) }}}}}]]
| Enum of ident_ref

Enum type.

let example = "enum { A, B, C } e;"

let test quoter (decl : 'a) (matcher : ('a, 'b) Pattern.matcher) =
  matcher ~quoted:(quoter decl) decl

let () =
  check_pattern quote_decl_list parse_declaration_list example
    [{ desc = EnumDecl _ };
     { desc = Var { var_name = "e"; var_type = { desc = Elaborated {
      keyword = Enum;
      named_type = { desc = Enum ({ name = IdentifierName "" }) }
        as named_type }}}}]]
  ~result:begin fun bindings ->
      let decl = Clang.Type.get_declaration bindings#named_type in
      let values =
          test quote_decl decl [%pattern? { desc = EnumDecl { constants }}]
        | Ok bindings ->
            bindings#constants |> @@
            fun (constant : Clang.Ast.enum_constant) ->
              Clang.Enum_constant.get_value constant
        | Error failure ->
            Format.printf "@[failed:@ %a@]@." Pattern.format_failure
            assert false in
      assert (values = ["A", 0; "B", 1; "C", 2])
| FunctionType of function_type

Function type.

let example = "int (*p)(void);"

let () =
  check_pattern quote_decl_list parse_declaration_list example
    [{ desc = Var { var_name = "p"; var_type = { desc =
      Pointer { desc = FunctionType {
        result = { desc = BuiltinType Int };
        parameters = Some { non_variadic = []; variadic = false}}}}}}]]

let example = "int (*p)(int x);"

let () =
  check_pattern quote_decl_list parse_declaration_list example
    [{ desc = Var { var_name = "p"; var_type = { desc =
      Pointer { desc = FunctionType {
        result = { desc = BuiltinType Int };
        parameters = Some { non_variadic = [{ desc = {
          name = "x"; qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int }}}] }}}}}}]]
| Record of ident_ref

Record type (either struct or union).

The argument is the name and is the empty string for anonymous struct or union.

let example = "struct { int i; float f; } s;"

let () =
  check_pattern quote_decl_list parse_declaration_list example
    [{ desc = RecordDecl { keyword = Struct }};
     { desc = Var { var_name = "s"; var_type = { desc = Elaborated {
      keyword = Struct;
      named_type = { desc = Record ({ name = IdentifierName "" }) }
        as named_type }}}}]]
  ~result:begin fun bindings ->
    let fields = bindings#named_type |> Clang.Type.list_of_fields in
    match test quote_decl_list fields [%pattern?
      [ { desc = Field {
            name = "i";
            qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int }}};
        { desc = Field {
            name = "f";
            qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Float }}}]] with
    | Ok () -> ()
    | Error failure ->
        Format.printf "@[failed:@ %a@]@." Pattern.format_failure
        assert false

let example = "union { int i; float f; } u;"

let () =
  check_pattern quote_decl_list parse_declaration_list example
    [{ desc = RecordDecl { keyword = Union }};
     { desc = Var { var_name = "u"; var_type = { desc = Elaborated {
      keyword = Union;
      named_type = { desc = Record ({ name = IdentifierName "" })}
        as named_type }}}}]]
  ~result:begin fun bindings ->
    let fields = bindings#named_type |> Clang.Type.list_of_fields in
    match test quote_decl_list fields [%pattern?
      [ { desc = Field {
            name = "i";
            qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int }}};
        { desc = Field {
            name = "f";
            qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Float }}}]] with
    | Ok () -> ()
    | Error failure ->
        Format.printf "@[failed:@ %a@]@." Pattern.format_failure
        assert false
| Typedef of ident_ref

Typedef type.

let example = "typedef struct { int i; float f; } struct_t; struct_t s;"

let () =
  check_pattern quote_decl_list parse_declaration_list example
    [{ desc = RecordDecl { keyword = Struct }}; { desc = TypedefDecl _ };
     { desc = Var { var_name = "s";
       var_type = { desc =
         Typedef ({ name = IdentifierName "struct_t" }) } as var_type }}]]
  ~result:begin fun bindings ->
    let fields = bindings#var_type |>
      Clang.Type.get_typedef_underlying_type |>
      Clang.Type.list_of_fields in
    match test quote_decl_list fields [%pattern?
      [ { desc = Field {
            name = "i";
            qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int }}};
        { desc = Field {
            name = "f";
            qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Float }}}]] with
    | Ok () -> ()
    | Error failure ->
        Format.printf "@[failed:@ %a@]@." Pattern.format_failure
        assert false
| Complex of qual_type

Complex number type (C99).

let example = "double _Complex c;"

let () =
  check pp_decl parse_declaration_list example @@ fun ast ->
  match ast |> List.rev |> List.hd with
  | { desc = Var { var_name = "c";
      var_type = { desc = Complex { desc = BuiltinType Double }}}} -> ()
  | _ -> assert false

let example = "float _Complex c;"

let () =
  check pp_decl parse_declaration_list example @@ fun ast ->
  match ast |> List.rev |> List.hd with
  | { desc = Var { var_name = "c";
      var_type = { desc = Complex { desc = BuiltinType Float }}}} -> ()
  | _ -> assert false
| Attributed of {
modified_type : qual_type;
attribute : attribute;

Attributed type.

let example = "int * _Nonnull ptr;"

[%%meta if Clangml_config.version.major >= 8 then [%stri
    let () =
      check_pattern quote_decl_list parse_declaration_list
        example [%pattern?
        [{ desc = Var { var_name = "ptr";
           var_type = { desc = Attributed {
             modified_type = { desc = Pointer { desc = BuiltinType Int }};
             attribute = { desc = Other TypeNonNull }}}}}]]]
  else Metapp.Stri.of_list []]

let example = "void * __ptr32 p;"

[%%meta if Clangml_config.version.major >= 8 then [%stri
    let () =
      check_pattern quote_decl_list
        (parse_declaration_list ~command_line_args:["-fms-extensions"])
        example [%pattern?
        [{ desc = Var { var_name = "p";
           var_type = { desc = Attributed {
             modified_type = { desc = Pointer { desc = BuiltinType Void }};
             attribute = { desc = Other Ptr32 }}}}}]]]
  else Metapp.Stri.of_list []]
| ParenType of qual_type

Parenthesized type.

Parenthesized type only occurs when ignore_paren_in_types = false option is passed to the AST converting function.

let example = "int f(char(*)[]);"

let () =
  check_pattern quote_decl_list (parse_declaration_list
    ~options:{ Clang.Ast.Options.default with ignore_paren_in_types = false })
    [{ desc = Function {
      function_type = {
        result = { desc = BuiltinType Int };
        parameters = Some {
          non_variadic = [
            { desc = { qual_type = { desc = Pointer { desc = ParenType
              { desc = IncompleteArray { desc = BuiltinType Char_S }}}}}}] }};
      name = IdentifierName "f";
      body = None }}]]

let example = "int (*p)(void);"

let () =
  check_pattern quote_decl_list (parse_declaration_list
    ~options:{ Clang.Ast.Options.default with ignore_paren_in_types = false })
    [{ desc = Var { var_name = "p"; var_type = { desc =
      Pointer { desc = ParenType { desc = FunctionType {
        result = { desc = BuiltinType Int };
        parameters = Some { non_variadic = []; variadic = false}}}}}}}]]
| TemplateTypeParm of string
| SubstTemplateTypeParm of string
| TemplateSpecialization of {
name : template_name;
args : template_argument list;
| BuiltinType of builtin_type

Built-in type.

let example = "_Bool s;"

let () =
  check pp_decl parse_declaration_list example @@ fun ast ->
  match ast |> List.rev |> List.hd with
  | { desc = Var { var_name = "s";
      var_type = { desc = BuiltinType Bool}}} -> ()
  | _ -> assert false
| Auto

Auto type. (C++11)

let example = "auto i = 1;"

let () =
  check_pattern quote_decl_list (parse_declaration_list ~language:CXX) example
    [{ desc = Var {
      var_name = "i";
      var_type = { desc = Auto };
      var_init = Some { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1)}}}]]
| PackExpansion of qual_type
| MemberPointer of {
pointee : qual_type;
class_ : qual_type;
| Decltype of expr

decltype(expression). (C++11)

let example = "decltype(1) i = 1;"

let () =
  check_pattern quote_decl_list
    (parse_declaration_list ~language:CXX ~standard:Cxx11)
    [{ desc = Var {
      var_name = "i";
      var_type = { desc = Decltype { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1)}};
      var_init = Some { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1)}}}]]
| InjectedClassName of qual_type
| UnexposedType of Clang__.Clang__bindings.clang_ext_typekind
| InvalidType
and template_name = Custom(LazyNode).template_name =
| NameTemplate of string
| OverloadedTemplate
| QualifiedTemplate
| DependentTemplate
| SubstTemplateTemplateParm
| SubstTemplateTemplateParmPack
| InvalidNameKind
and template_argument = Custom(LazyNode).template_argument =
| Type of qual_type
| ArgumentDecl of decl
| NullPtr of qual_type
| TemplateTemplateArgument of template_name
| TemplateExpansion of template_name
| Integral of {
value : integer_literal;
qual_type : qual_type;
| NonTypeTemplateArgument of qual_type
| ExprTemplateArgument of expr
| Pack of template_argument list
and requirement = Custom(LazyNode).requirement =
| Type of qual_type
| Simple of expr_requirement
| Compound of expr_requirement
| Nested of expr
and expr_requirement = Custom(LazyNode).expr_requirement = {
expr : expr;
return_type_type_constraint : type_constraint option;
and type_constraint = Custom(LazyNode).type_constraint = {
parameters : template_parameter_list;
type_constraint : expr;
and nested_name_specifier = nested_name_specifier_component list
and nested_name_specifier_component = Custom(LazyNode).nested_name_specifier_component =
| Global
| NestedIdentifier of string
| NamespaceName of string
| NamespaceAliasName of string
| TypeSpec of qual_type
| TypeSpecWithTemplate of qual_type
and declaration_name = Custom(LazyNode).declaration_name =
| IdentifierName of string
| ConstructorName of qual_type
| DestructorName of qual_type
| ConversionFunctionName of qual_type
| DeductionGuideName of decl
| OperatorName of overloaded_operator_kind
| LiteralOperatorName of string
| UsingDirectiveName
and record_decl = Custom(LazyNode).record_decl = {
keyword : elaborated_type_keyword;
attributes : attribute list;
nested_name_specifier : nested_name_specifier option;


name : string;
bases : base_specifier list;


fields : decl list;
final : bool;


complete_definition : bool;
and function_decl = Custom(LazyNode).function_decl = {
linkage : linkage_kind;
function_type : function_type;
nested_name_specifier : nested_name_specifier option;


name : declaration_name;
body : stmt option;
deleted : bool;


constexpr : bool;


inline_specified : bool;

Determine whether the inline keyword was specified for this function.

let example = {|inline void f(void);|}

let () =
  check_pattern quote_decl_list (parse_declaration_list ~standard:C11) example
    [{ desc = Function {
      name = IdentifierName "f";
      inline_specified = true;
      inlined = true; }}]]
inlined : bool;

Determine whether this function should be inlined, because it is either marked inline or constexpr or is a member function of a class that was defined in the class body.

let example = {|constexpr void f(void);|}

let () =
  check_pattern quote_decl_list
    (parse_declaration_list ~language:CXX ~standard:Cxx11) example
    [{ desc = Function {
      name = IdentifierName "f";
      constexpr = true;
      inline_specified = false;
      inlined = true; }}]]
attributes : attribute list;
and function_type = Custom(LazyNode).function_type = {
calling_conv : calling_conv;

Calling convention.

let example = "void f(void);"

let () =
  check pp_decl parse_declaration_list example @@
  fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Function {
      name = IdentifierName "f";
      function_type = { calling_conv = C }}}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false

let example = {| __attribute((pcs("aapcs"))) void f(void); |}

let () =
  check pp_decl
       ~command_line_args:["--target=arm"; "-mfloat-abi=soft"])
    example @@
  fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Function {
      name = IdentifierName "f";
      function_type = { calling_conv = AAPCS };
      attributes = []; }}] ->
      assert (
        Clang.version () < { major = 3; minor = 8; subminor = 0 } ||
        Clang.version () >= { major = 3; minor = 9; subminor = 0 })
  | [{ desc = Function {
      name = IdentifierName "f";
      function_type = { calling_conv = C };
      attributes = []; }}] ->
      assert (
        Clang.version () >= { major = 3; minor = 8; subminor = 0 } &&
        Clang.version () < { major = 3; minor = 9; subminor = 0 })
  | _ -> assert false
result : qual_type;

Result type.

let example = "void f(void);"

let () =
  check pp_decl parse_declaration_list example @@
  fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Function {
      name = IdentifierName "f";
      function_type = { result = { desc = BuiltinType Void }}}}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false

let example = "f(void);"

let () =
  check pp_decl parse_declaration_list example @@
  fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Function {
      name = IdentifierName "f";
      function_type = { result = { desc = BuiltinType Int }}}}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false
parameters : parameters option;

Parameter types. None for K&R-style 'int foo()' function.

let example = "void f(void);"

let () =
  check pp_decl parse_declaration_list example @@
  fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Function {
      name = IdentifierName "f";
      function_type = { parameters = Some {
        non_variadic = [];
        variadic = false }}}}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false

let example = "void f();"

let () =
  check pp_decl parse_declaration_list example @@
  fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Function {
      name = IdentifierName "f";
      function_type = { parameters = None }}}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false
exception_spec : exception_spec option;


ref_qualifier : Clang__.Clang__bindings.cxrefqualifierkind;



Function type.

and exception_spec = Custom(LazyNode).exception_spec =
| Noexcept of {
expr : expr option;
evaluated : bool option;

Clang >=7.0.0 only

| Throw of qual_type list
| Other of exception_specification_type
and parameters = Custom(LazyNode).parameters = {
non_variadic : parameter list;

Non-variadic parameters: the list gives for each argument its name and its type.

For a function type which is not attached to an actual function declaration, all arguments have the empty name ("") and no default value (None), since Clang does not keep argument names in function types.

let example = "void f(int i);"

let () =
  check pp_decl parse_declaration_list example @@
  fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Function {
      name = IdentifierName "f";
      function_type = { parameters = Some {
        non_variadic = [{ desc = {
          name = "i";
          qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int };
          default = None }}];
        variadic = false }}}}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false

let example = "void f(int);"

let () =
  check pp_decl parse_declaration_list example
  @@ fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Function {
      name = IdentifierName "f";
      function_type = { parameters = Some {
        non_variadic = [{ desc = {
          name = "";
          qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int };
          default = None }}];
        variadic = false }}}}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false

let example = "typedef void (*f)(int x);"

let () =
  check pp_decl parse_declaration_list example
  @@ fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = TypedefDecl {
      name = "f";
      underlying_type = { desc =
        Pointer { desc = FunctionType { parameters = Some {
          non_variadic = [{ desc = {
            name = "";
            qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int };
            default = None }}];
          variadic = false }}}}}}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false

let example = {| void f(int i = 1) {} |}

let () =
  check pp_decl (parse_declaration_list ~language:CXX) example @@
  fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Function {
      name = IdentifierName "f";
      function_type = { parameters = Some {
        non_variadic = [{ desc = {
          name = "i";
          qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int };
          default = Some { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1) }}}];
        variadic = false }}}}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false
variadic : bool;

True if the function type is variadic.

let example = "void f(int i, ...);"

let () =
  check pp_decl parse_declaration_list example
  @@ fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Function {
      name = IdentifierName "f";
      function_type = { parameters = Some {
        non_variadic = [
          { desc = { name = "i"; qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int }}}];
        variadic = true }}}}] -> ()
  | decls ->
      List.iter (fun decl -> Format.eprintf "%a@." pp_decl decl)
      assert false

Function parameters.

and parameter = parameter_desc node
and parameter_desc = Custom(LazyNode).parameter_desc = {
qual_type : qual_type;
name : string;
default : expr option;



Function or method parameter.

and stmt = stmt_desc node
and stmt_desc = Custom(LazyNode).stmt_desc =
| Null

Null statement.

let example = ";"

let () =
  check pp_stmt parse_statement_list example
  @@ fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Null }] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false
| Compound of stmt list

Compound statement.

let example = "{}"

let () =
  check pp_stmt parse_statement_list example
  @@ fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Compound [] }] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false

let example = "{;;}"

let () =
  check pp_stmt parse_statement_list example
  @@ fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Compound [{ desc = Null }; { desc = Null }] }] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false
| For of {
init : stmt option;
condition_variable : var_decl option;


cond : expr option;
inc : stmt option;
body : stmt;

For statement.

let example = "for (;;) {}"

let () =
  check pp_stmt parse_statement_list example
  @@ fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = For {
      init = None;
      condition_variable = None;
      cond = None;
      inc = None;
      body = { desc = Compound [] }}}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false

let example = "int i; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { }"

let () =
  check pp_stmt parse_statement_list example @@
  fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Decl _ }; { desc = For {
      init = Some { desc = Expr { desc = BinaryOperator {
        lhs = { desc = DeclRef ({ name = IdentifierName "i" })};
        kind = Assign;
        rhs = { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 0)}}}};
      condition_variable = None;
      cond = Some { desc = BinaryOperator {
        lhs = { desc = DeclRef ({ name = IdentifierName "i" })};
        kind = LT;
        rhs = { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 4)}}};
      inc = Some { desc = Expr { desc = UnaryOperator {
        kind = PostInc;
        operand = { desc = DeclRef ({ name = IdentifierName "i" })}}}};
      body = { desc = Compound [] }}}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false

let example = "for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { }"

let () =
  check pp_stmt parse_statement_list example @@
  fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = For {
      init = Some { desc = Decl [{ desc = Var {
        var_name = "i";
        var_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int};
        var_init = Some { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 0)}}}] };
      condition_variable = None;
      cond = Some { desc = BinaryOperator {
        lhs = { desc = DeclRef ({ name = IdentifierName "i" })};
        kind = LT;
        rhs = { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 4)}}};
      inc = Some { desc = Expr { desc = UnaryOperator {
        kind = PostInc;
        operand = { desc = DeclRef ({ name = IdentifierName "i" })}}}};
      body = { desc = Compound [] }}}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false

let example = "for (int i = 0; int j = i - 1; i--) { }"

let () =
  check pp_stmt (parse_statement_list
    ~language:CXX) example @@ fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = For {
      init = Some { desc = Decl [{ desc = Var {
        var_name = "i";
        var_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int};
        var_init = Some { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 0)}}}] };
      condition_variable = Some { desc = {
        var_name = "j";
        var_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int};
        var_init = Some { desc = BinaryOperator {
          lhs = { desc = DeclRef ({ name = IdentifierName "i" })};
          kind = Sub;
          rhs = { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1)}}}}};
      cond = Some { desc = DeclRef ({ name = IdentifierName "j" }) };
      inc = Some { desc = Expr { desc = UnaryOperator {
        kind = PostDec;
        operand = { desc = DeclRef ({ name = IdentifierName "i" })}}}};
      body = { desc = Compound [] }}}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false
| ForRange of {
var : var_decl;
range : expr;
body : stmt;

For-range statement.

let example = {|
  int a[] = {1, 2};
  for (int i : a) {}

let () =
  check_pattern quote_stmt_list (parse_statement_list ~language:CXX) example
    [{ desc = Decl [
       { desc = Var {
           var_name = "a";
           var_type = { desc = IncompleteArray { desc = BuiltinType Int }};
           var_init = Some { desc = InitList [
             { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1)};
             { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 2)}] }}}] };
     { desc = ForRange {
         var = { desc = {
           var_name = "i";
           var_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int };
           var_init = Some { desc = UnaryOperator {
             kind = Deref;
             operand = { desc = DeclRef {
               name = IdentifierName _ }}}}}};
         range = { desc = DeclRef { name = IdentifierName "a" }};
         body = { desc = Compound [] }}}]]
| If of {
init : stmt option;


condition_variable : var_decl option;


cond : expr;
then_branch : stmt;
else_branch : stmt option;

If statement.

let example = "if (1) { 2; } else { 3; }"

let () =
  check pp_stmt parse_statement_list example @@
  fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = If {
       init = None;
       condition_variable = None;
       cond = { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1)};
       then_branch = { desc = Compound [{
         desc = Expr { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 2)}}] };
       else_branch = Some { desc = Compound [{
         desc = Expr { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 3)}}] }}}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false

let example = "if (1) { 2; }"

let () =
  check pp_stmt parse_statement_list example @@
  fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = If {
       init = None;
       condition_variable = None;
       cond = { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1)};
       then_branch = { desc = Compound [{
         desc = Expr { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 2)}}] };
       else_branch = None }}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false

let example = "if (int i = 1) { i; }"

let () =
  check pp_stmt
    (parse_statement_list ~language:CXX) example @@
  fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = If {
       init = None;
       condition_variable = Some ({ desc = {
         var_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int};
         var_name = "i";
         var_init = Some { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1) }}});
       cond = { desc = DeclRef ({ name = IdentifierName "i" })};
       then_branch = { desc = Compound [{
         desc = Expr { desc = DeclRef ({ name = IdentifierName "i" }) }}] };
       else_branch = None }}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false

Init statements in if (C++17) are available since 3.9.0.

let example = "if (int i = 1; i) { i; }"

let () =
  if Clang.version () >= { major = 3; minor = 9; subminor = 0 } then
    check pp_stmt (parse_statement_list ~language:CXX) example
    @@ fun ast -> match ast with
    | [{ desc = If {
         init = Some { desc = Decl [{ desc = Var {
           var_name = "i";
           var_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int };
           var_init = Some { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1) }}}] };
         condition_variable = None;
         then_branch = { desc = Compound [{
           desc = Expr { desc = DeclRef ({ name = IdentifierName "i" }) }}] };
         else_branch = None }}] -> ()
    | _ -> assert false
| Switch of {
init : stmt option;


condition_variable : var_decl option;


cond : expr;
body : stmt;

Switch statement.

let example = "switch (1) { case 1: f(); break; case 2: break; default:;}"

let () =
  check_pattern quote_stmt_list parse_statement_list example
    [{ desc = Switch {
      init = None;
      condition_variable = None;
      cond = { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1)};
      body = { desc = Compound [
        { desc = Case {
          lhs = { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1)};
          body = { desc =
            Expr { desc = Call {
              callee = { desc = DeclRef ({ name = IdentifierName "f" }) };
              args = [] }}}}};
        { desc = Break };
        { desc = Case {
          lhs = { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 2)};
          body = { desc = Break }}};
        { desc = Default { desc = Null }}] }}}]]

let example =
  "switch (int i = 1) { case 1: f(); break; case 2: break; default:;}"

let () =
  check_pattern quote_stmt_list (parse_statement_list ~language:CXX) example
    [{ desc = Switch {
      init = None;
      condition_variable = Some ({ desc = {
         var_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int};
         var_name = "i";
         var_init = Some { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1)}}});
      cond = { desc = DeclRef ({ name = IdentifierName "i" }) };
      body = { desc = Compound [
        { desc = Case {
          lhs = { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1)};
          body = { desc =
            Expr { desc = Call {
              callee = { desc = DeclRef ({ name = IdentifierName "f" }) };
              args = [] }}}}};
        { desc = Break };
        { desc = Case {
          lhs = { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 2)};
          body = { desc = Break }}};
        { desc = Default { desc = Null }}] }}}]]

Init statements in if (C++17) are available since 3.9.0.

let example =
  "switch (int i = 1; i) { case 1: f(); break; case 2: break; default:;}"

let () =
  if Clang.version () >= { major = 3; minor = 9; subminor = 0 } then
    check_pattern quote_stmt_list (parse_statement_list ~language:CXX) example
      [{ desc = Switch {
        init = Some { desc = Decl [{ desc = Var {
           var_name = "i";
           var_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int };
           var_init = Some { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1)}}}] };
        condition_variable = None;
        cond = { desc = DeclRef ({ name = IdentifierName "i" }) };
        body = { desc = Compound [
          { desc = Case {
            lhs = { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1)};
            body = { desc =
              Expr { desc = Call {
                callee = { desc = DeclRef ({ name = IdentifierName "f" }) };
                args = [] }}}}};
          { desc = Break };
          { desc = Case {
            lhs = { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 2)};
            body = { desc = Break }}};
          { desc = Default { desc = Null }}] }}}]]
| Case of {
lhs : expr;
rhs : expr option;

GNU extension: case ranges "case low ... high:"

body : stmt;

Case statement.

Note that body only covers the first statement that follows. Other statements are attached to the parent.

let example = "switch (1) { case 1: f(); break; case 2 ... 3: break; default:;}"

let () =
  check_pattern quote_stmt_list parse_statement_list example
    [{ desc = Switch {
      init = None;
      condition_variable = None;
      cond = { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1)};
      body = { desc = Compound [
        { desc = Case {
          lhs = { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1)};
          rhs = None;
          body = { desc =
            Expr { desc = Call {
              callee = { desc = DeclRef ({ name = IdentifierName "f" }) };
              args = [] }}}}};
        { desc = Break };
        { desc = Case {
          lhs = { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 2)};
          rhs = Some { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 3)};
          body = { desc = Break }}};
        { desc = Default { desc = Null }}] }}}]]

let example = "switch (1) { case 1: case 2: case 3: default: ;}"

let () =
  check pp_stmt parse_statement_list example
  @@ fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Switch {
      init = None;
      condition_variable = None;
      cond = { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1)};
      body = { desc = Compound [
        { desc = Case {
          lhs = { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1)};
          rhs = None;
          body = { desc = Case {
            lhs = { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 2)};
            rhs = None;
            body = { desc = Case {
              lhs = { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 3)};
              rhs = None;
              body = { desc = Default { desc = Null }}}}}}}}] }}}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false
| Default of stmt

Default statement.

Note that the parameter only covers the first statement that follows. Other statements are attached to the parent.

| While of {
condition_variable : var_decl option;


cond : expr;
body : stmt;

While statement.

let example = "while (1);"

let () =
  check pp_stmt parse_statement_list example
  @@ fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = While {
      condition_variable = None;
      cond = { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1)};
      body = { desc = Null }}}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false

let example = "while (int i = 1) { i; }"

let () =
  check pp_stmt
    (parse_statement_list ~language:CXX) example @@
  fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = While {
      condition_variable = Some ({ desc = {
         var_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int};
         var_name = "i";
         var_init = Some { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1)}}});
      cond = { desc = DeclRef ({ name = IdentifierName "i" }) };
      body = { desc = Compound [{ desc =
        Expr { desc = DeclRef ({ name = IdentifierName "i" }) }}] }}}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false
| Do of {
body : stmt;
cond : expr;

Do statement.

let example = "do; while (1);"

let () =
  check pp_stmt parse_statement_list example
  @@ fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Do {
      body = { desc = Null };
      cond = { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1)}}}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false

let example = "do { f(); } while (1);"

let () =
  check_pattern quote_stmt_list parse_statement_list example
    [{ desc = Do {
      body = { desc = Compound [{ desc =
        Expr { desc = Call {
          callee = { desc = DeclRef ({ name = IdentifierName "f" }) };
          args = [] }}}] };
      cond = { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1)}}}]]
| Label of {
label : label_ref;
body : stmt;

Label statement.

let example = "label: 1; 2;"

let () =
  check pp_stmt parse_statement_list example
  @@ fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Label {
        label = "label";
        body = { desc = Expr { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1)}}}};
      { desc = Expr { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 2)}}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false
| Goto of label_ref

Goto statement.

let example = "label: 1; goto label;"

let () =
  check pp_stmt parse_statement_list example
  @@ fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Label {
        label = "label";
        body = { desc = Expr { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1)}}}};
      { desc = Goto "label" }] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false
| IndirectGoto of expr

Indirect goto statement (Labels as Values GNU extension).

let example = "label: 1; void *ptr = &&label; goto *ptr;"

let () =
  check_pattern quote_stmt_list parse_statement_list example
    [{ desc = Label {
        label = "label";
        body = { desc = Expr { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1)}}}};
      { desc = Decl [{ desc = Var {
        var_name = "ptr";
        var_type = { desc = Pointer { desc = BuiltinType Void }};
        var_init = Some { desc = AddrLabel "label" }}}] };
      { desc = IndirectGoto { desc =
          DeclRef ({ name = IdentifierName "ptr" })}}]]
| Continue

Continue statement.

let example = "for (;;) continue;"

let () =
  check pp_stmt parse_statement_list example
  @@ fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = For { body = { desc = Continue } }}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false
| Break

Break statement.

let example = "for (;;) break;"

let () =
  check pp_stmt parse_statement_list example
  @@ fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = For { body = { desc = Break } }}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false
| Asm of asm

GCC assembler statement.

let example = {|
  int src = 1;
  int dst;

  asm ("mov %1, %0\n\t"
    "add $1, %0"
    : "=r" (dst)
    : "r" (src));

let () =
  check_pattern quote_stmt_list parse_statement_list example
    [{ desc = Decl _ }; { desc = Decl _ };
     { desc = Asm {
       asm_compiler_extension = GCC;
       asm_string = "mov %1, %0\n\tadd $1, %0";
       asm_inputs =
         [{ asm_constraint = "r";
            asm_expr = { desc = DeclRef { name = IdentifierName "src"}}}];
       asm_outputs =
         [{ asm_constraint = "=r";
            asm_expr = { desc = DeclRef { name = IdentifierName "dst"}}}] }}]]
| Return of expr option

Return statement.

let example = "return;"

let () =
  check pp_stmt parse_statement_list example @@
  fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Return None }] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false

let example = "return 1;"

let () =
  check pp_stmt (parse_statement_list ~return_type:"int")
    example @@
  fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Return (Some { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1)})}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false
| Decl of decl list
| Expr of expr
| Try of {
try_block : stmt;
handlers : catch list;
| AttributedStmt of {
attributes : attribute list;
sub_stmts : stmt list;
| UnknownStmt of Clang__.Clang__bindings.cxcursorkind * Clang__.Clang__bindings.clang_ext_stmtkind
and catch = Custom(LazyNode).catch = {
parameter : (string * qual_type) option;
block : stmt;
and asm = Custom(LazyNode).asm = {
asm_compiler_extension : asm_compiler_extension;
asm_string : string;
asm_inputs : asm_operand list;
asm_outputs : asm_operand list;
and asm_operand = Custom(LazyNode).asm_operand = {
asm_constraint : string;
asm_expr : expr;
and attribute = attribute_desc node
and attribute_desc = (exprqual_typedeclaration_name) Clang__.Attributes.t

AbiTag: ABI tags.

let example = {|
__attribute__((abi_tag("a", "b"))) float f;

let () =
  if Clang.version () >= { major = 3; minor = 9; subminor = 0 } then
  check_pattern quote_decl_list (parse_declaration_list ~language:CXX) example
    [{ desc = Var {
         attributes = [{ desc = AbiTag ["a"; "b"] }];
         var_type = { desc = BuiltinType Float };
         var_name = "f"; }}]]

| AcquireCapability of expr list Marks a function as acquiring a capability.

let example = {|
int mu;

void lockAndInit() __attribute__((acquire_capability(mu)));

let () =
  if Clang.version () >= { major = 3; minor = 5; subminor = 0 } then
  check_pattern quote_decl_list (parse_declaration_list ~language:CXX) example
    [{ desc = Var { var_name = "mu" }};
      { desc = Function {
         name = IdentifierName "lockAndInit";
         attributes = [
           { desc = AcquireCapability
               { args = [{
                   desc = DeclRef { name = IdentifierName "mu" }}] }}] }}]]

Aligned: Field alignment.

let example = {|
struct {
  _Alignas(32) float f;

let () =
  check_pattern quote_decl_list parse_declaration_list example
    [{ desc = RecordDecl {
      keyword = Struct;
      fields = [
        { desc = Field
          { name = "f";
            qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Float };
            attributes = [
              { desc = Aligned {
                alignment_expr = { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 32) }}}] }}] }}]]

let example = {|
struct alignas(32) s {
  float f;

let () =
  check_pattern quote_decl_list
    (parse_declaration_list ~language:CXX ~standard:Cxx11) example
    [{ desc = RecordDecl {
      keyword = Struct;
      attributes = [
        { desc = Aligned {
          alignment_expr = {desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 32)}}}];
      fields = [
        { desc = Field
          { name = "f";
            qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Float }}}] }}]]

Note that whereas clang AST allows _Alignas attribute to carry a type as argument, clang parser transforms _Alignas(type) into _Alignas(alignof(type)).

let example = {|
struct {
  _Alignas(double) float f;

let () =
  check_pattern quote_decl_list parse_declaration_list example
    [{ desc = RecordDecl {
      keyword = Struct;
      fields = [
        { desc = Field
          { name = "f";
            qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Float };
            attributes = [
              { desc = Aligned {
                alignment_expr = { desc = UnaryExpr {
                    kind = AlignOf;
                    argument = ArgumentType
                      { desc = BuiltinType Double }}}}}] }}] }}]]

let example = {|
struct alignas(double) s {
  float f;

let () =
  check_pattern quote_decl_list
    (parse_declaration_list ~language:CXX ~standard:Cxx11) example
    [{ desc = RecordDecl {
      keyword = Struct;
      attributes = [
        { desc = Aligned {
          alignment_expr = { desc = UnaryExpr {
                    kind = AlignOf;
                    argument = ArgumentType
                      { desc = BuiltinType Double }}}}}];
      fields = [
        { desc = Field
          { name = "f";
            qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Float }}}] }}]]

AllocAlign: Specify that the return value of the function (which must be a pointer type) is at least as aligned as the value of the indicated parameter.

let example = {|
void *a(int align) __attribute__((alloc_align(1)));

let () =
  if Clang.version () >= { major = 5; minor = 0; subminor = 0 } then
  check_pattern quote_decl_list
    (parse_declaration_list ~language:CXX ~standard:Cxx11) example
    [{ desc = Function {
         attributes = [{ desc = AllocAlign 1 }];
         name = IdentifierName "a";
         function_type = {
           result = { desc = Pointer { desc = BuiltinType Void }};
           parameters = Some {
             non_variadic = [{ desc = {
               name = "align"; qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int }}}];
             variadic = false }}}}]]

AllocSize: Hint to the compiler how many bytes of memory will be available at the returned pointer.

let example = {|
void *my_malloc(int a) __attribute__((alloc_size(1)));
void *my_calloc(int a, int b) __attribute__((alloc_size(1, 2)));

let () =
  if Clang.version () >= { major = 4; minor = 0; subminor = 0 } then
  check_pattern quote_decl_list
    (parse_declaration_list ~language:CXX ~standard:Cxx11) example
    [{ desc = Function {
         attributes = [{ desc = AllocSize { elem_size = 1; num_elems = 0 }}];
         name = IdentifierName "my_malloc";
         function_type = {
           result = { desc = Pointer { desc = BuiltinType Void }};
           parameters = Some {
             non_variadic = [{ desc = {
               name = "a"; qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int }}}];
             variadic = false }}}};
      { desc = Function {
         attributes = [
           { desc = AllocSize { elem_size = 1; num_elems = 2 }}];
         name = IdentifierName "my_calloc";
         function_type = {
           result = { desc = Pointer { desc = BuiltinType Void }};
           parameters = Some {
             non_variadic = [
               { desc = {
                   name = "a"; qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int }}};
               { desc = {
                   name = "b"; qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int }}}];
             variadic = false }}}}]]

ReleaseCapability: Marks a function as releasing a capability.

let example = {|
int mu;

void cleanupAndUnlock()  __attribute__((release_capability(mu)));

let () =
  if Clang.version () >= { major = 3; minor = 5; subminor = 0 } then
  check_pattern quote_decl_list (parse_declaration_list ~language:CXX) example
    [{ desc = Var { var_name = "mu" }};
      { desc = Function {
         name = IdentifierName "cleanupAndUnlock";
         attributes = [
           { desc = ReleaseCapability {
             args = [{ desc = DeclRef { name = IdentifierName "mu" }}] }}] }}]]

Other: Attributes without argument.

let example = {|
_Noreturn void f(void);

let () =
  check_pattern quote_decl_list
    (parse_declaration_list ~standard:C11) example
    [{ desc = Function {
         attributes = [{ desc = Other C11NoReturn }];
         name = IdentifierName "f";
         function_type = {
           result = { desc = BuiltinType Void };
           parameters = Some { non_variadic = []; variadic = false }}}}]]
and expr = expr_desc node
and expr_desc = Custom(LazyNode).expr_desc =
| IntegerLiteral of integer_literal

Integer literal.

By default, integer literals are converted if possible into Int and integers too large to be represented as int are not converted. Integer literals can be preserved as CXInt by turning Clang.convert_integer_literals option false.

let example = "0;"

let () =
  check pp_stmt parse_statement_list example
  @@ fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Expr ({ desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 0) } as expr)}] ->
      assert (Clang.Expr.radix_of_integer_literal expr = Some Octal)
  | _ -> assert false

let () =
  check pp_stmt (parse_statement_list
    ~options:({ Clang.Ast.Options.default with
       convert_integer_literals = false }))
    example @@ fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Expr { desc = IntegerLiteral (CXInt _ as zero) }}] ->
      assert (Clang.Ast.int_of_literal zero = 0)
  | _ -> assert false

let example = Printf.sprintf "%d;" Int.max_int

let () =
  check pp_stmt parse_statement_list example @@
  fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Expr { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int max_int) }}] ->
      assert (max_int = Int.max_int)
  | _ -> assert false

let large_int = Int64.add (Int64.of_int max_int) 1L
let example = Printf.sprintf "%Ld;" large_int

let () =
  check pp_stmt parse_statement_list example @@
  fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Expr { desc = IntegerLiteral (CXInt _ as large_int') }}] ->
      assert (Clang.Ast.int64_of_literal large_int' = large_int)
  | _ -> assert false

let example = "42;"

let () =
  check pp_stmt parse_statement_list example
  @@ fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Expr ({ desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 42) } as expr)}] ->
      assert (Clang.Expr.radix_of_integer_literal expr = Some Decimal)
  | _ -> assert false

let example = "0xFF;"

let () =
  check pp_stmt parse_statement_list example
  @@ fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Expr ({ desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 255) } as expr)}] ->
      assert (Clang.Expr.radix_of_integer_literal expr = Some Hexadecimal)
  | _ -> assert false
| FloatingLiteral of floating_literal

Floating literal.

By default, floating literals are converted into Float. Floating literals can be preserved as CXFloat by turning Clang.convert_floating_literals option false.

let example = "0.5;"

let () =
  check pp_stmt parse_statement_list example @@
  fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Expr { desc = FloatingLiteral (Float 0.5) }}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false

let () =
  check pp_stmt (parse_statement_list
    ~options:({ Clang.Ast.Options.default with
      convert_floating_literals = true }))
    example @@ fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Expr { desc = FloatingLiteral f }}] ->
    assert (Clang.Ast.float_of_literal f = 0.5)
  | _ -> assert false
| StringLiteral of string_literal

String literal.

let example = "\"Hello!\";"

let () =
  check pp_stmt parse_statement_list example @@
  fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Expr { desc =
      StringLiteral { byte_width = 1; bytes = "Hello!" }}}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false
| CharacterLiteral of {
kind : character_kind;
value : int;

Character literal.

let example = "'a';"

let () =
  check pp_stmt parse_statement_list example
  @@ fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Expr { desc =
        CharacterLiteral { kind = Ascii; value = 0x61 } }}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false

let example = "L'a';"

let () =
  check pp_stmt parse_statement_list example
  @@ fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Expr { desc =
        CharacterLiteral { kind = Wide; value = 0x61 } }}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false

let example = "u8'a';"

let () =
  if Clang.version () >= { major = 3; minor = 6; subminor = 0 } then
    check pp_stmt (parse_statement_list ~language:CXX
        ~command_line_args:["-std=c++1z"]) example @@
    fun ast -> match ast with
    | [{ desc = Expr { desc = CharacterLiteral { kind = UTF8; value = 0x61 } }}]
      -> assert (Clang.version () >= { major = 3; minor = 8; subminor = 0 })
    | [{ desc = Expr { desc =
          CharacterLiteral { kind = Ascii; value = 0x61 } }}]
      -> assert (Clang.version () < { major = 3; minor = 8; subminor = 0 })
    | _ -> assert false

let example = "u'a';"

let () =
  if Clang.version () >= { major = 3; minor = 6; subminor = 0 } then
    check pp_stmt parse_statement_list example
    @@ fun ast -> match ast with
    | [{ desc = Expr { desc =
          CharacterLiteral { kind = UTF16; value = 0x61 } }}]
      -> assert (Clang.version () >= { major = 3; minor = 6; subminor = 0 })
    | [{ desc = Expr { desc = CharacterLiteral { kind = UTF8; value = 0x61 } }}]
      -> assert (Clang.version () < { major = 3; minor = 6; subminor = 0 })
    | _ -> assert false
| ImaginaryLiteral of expr

Imaginary literal.

let example = "1i;"

let () =
  check pp_stmt parse_statement_list example
  @@ fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Expr { desc =
      ImaginaryLiteral { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1)} }}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false

let example = "2.5i;"

let () =
  check pp_stmt parse_statement_list example
  @@ fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Expr { desc =
      ImaginaryLiteral { desc = FloatingLiteral (Float 2.5)}}}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false
| BoolLiteral of bool

Boolean literal (C++).

let example = "true;"

let () =
  check pp_stmt (parse_statement_list ~language:CXX) example
  @@ fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Expr { desc = BoolLiteral true }}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false

let example = "false;"

let () =
  check pp_stmt (parse_statement_list ~language:CXX) example
  @@ fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Expr { desc = BoolLiteral false }}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false
| NullPtrLiteral

Null pointer literal (C++11).

let example = "nullptr;"

let () =
  check pp_stmt
    (parse_statement_list ~language:CXX ~standard:Cxx11) example
  @@ fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Expr { desc = NullPtrLiteral }}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false
| UnaryOperator of {
kind : unary_operator_kind;
operand : expr;

Unary operator.

let example = "+1;"

let () =
  check pp_stmt parse_statement_list example
  @@ fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Expr { desc = UnaryOperator {
      kind = Plus;
      operand = { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1)}}}}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false

let example = "int x; &x;"

let () =
  check pp_stmt parse_statement_list example
  @@ fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Decl _ }; { desc = Expr { desc = UnaryOperator {
      kind = AddrOf;
      operand = { desc = DeclRef ({ name = IdentifierName "x" }) }} }}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false
| BinaryOperator of {
lhs : expr;
kind : binary_operator_kind;
rhs : expr;

Binary operator.

let example = "1 + 2;"

let () =
  check pp_stmt parse_statement_list example
  @@ fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Expr { desc = BinaryOperator {
      lhs = { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1)};
      kind = Add;
      rhs = { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 2)}}}}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false

let example = "int i = 2; i *= 3;"

let () =
  check pp_stmt parse_statement_list example
  @@ fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Decl _ }; { desc = Expr { desc = BinaryOperator {
      lhs = { desc = DeclRef ({ name = IdentifierName "i" })};
      kind = MulAssign;
      rhs = { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 3)}}}}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false
| DeclRef of ident_ref

Declaration reference.

Note: you may use Clang.Expr.get_definition to get a cursor to the declaration site. Cursors can be hashed with Clang.hash_cursor and compared with Clang.compare_cursors and Clang.equal_cursors.

let example = "int i; i;"

let () =
  check_pattern quote_stmt_list parse_statement_list example
  [%pattern? [
    { desc = Decl _ };
    { desc = Expr { desc = DeclRef ({ name = IdentifierName "i" }) }}]]

let example = "{ int i; i; } { int i; i; }"

let () =
  check_pattern quote_stmt_list parse_statement_list example
  [%pattern? [
    { desc = Compound [
      { desc = Decl [d1] };
      { desc = Expr ({ desc = DeclRef ({ name = IdentifierName "i" })} as e1)}]
    { desc = Compound [
      { desc = Decl [d2] };
      { desc = Expr ({ desc = DeclRef ({ name = IdentifierName "i" })} as e2)}]
  ~result:begin fun b ->
    assert (Clang.equal_cursors
      (Clang.Expr.get_definition b#e1)
      (Clang.get_cursor_definition (Clang.Ast.cursor_of_node b#d1)));
    assert (Clang.equal_cursors
      (Clang.Expr.get_definition b#e2) (Clang.Ast.cursor_of_node b#d2));
    assert (not (Clang.equal_cursors
      (Clang.Expr.get_definition b#e1) (Clang.Ast.cursor_of_node b#d2)));
    assert (not (Clang.equal_cursors
      (Clang.Expr.get_definition b#e2) (Clang.Ast.cursor_of_node b#d1)));
| Call of {
callee : expr;
args : expr list;

Function call.

let example = "void g(int); g(1);"

let () =
  check pp_stmt parse_statement_list example
  @@ fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Decl _ }; { desc = Expr { desc = Call {
      callee = { desc = DeclRef ({ name = IdentifierName "g" }) };
      args = [{ desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1)}] }}}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false
| Cast of {
kind : cast_kind;
qual_type : qual_type;
operand : expr;


let example = {| (void * ) "Hello"; |}

let () =
  check pp_stmt parse_statement_list example
  @@ fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Expr { desc = Cast {
      kind = CStyle;
      qual_type = { desc = Pointer _ };
      operand = { desc = StringLiteral { bytes = "Hello" }}}}}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false

Implicit casts are removed in the AST unless ignore_implicit_cast = false is passed to the converting function.

let example = {| int i; i; |}

let () =
  check pp_stmt (parse_statement_list
    ~options:({ Clang.Ast.Options.default with ignore_implicit_cast = false }))
    example @@
  fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Decl _ }; { desc = Expr { desc = Cast {
      kind = Implicit;
      qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int };
      operand = { desc = DeclRef ({ name = IdentifierName "i" }) }} }}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false
| Member of {
base : expr option;
arrow : bool;
field : field;

Member dot or arrow

let example = {| struct s { int i; } s; s.i = 0; |}

let () =
  check pp_stmt parse_statement_list example
  @@ fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Decl _ }; { desc = Expr { desc = BinaryOperator {
      lhs = { desc = Member {
        base = Some { desc = DeclRef ({ name = IdentifierName "s" }) };
        arrow = false;
        field = FieldName { desc = { name = IdentifierName "i" } }}};
      kind = Assign;
      rhs = { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 0)}}}}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false

let example = {| struct s { int i; } *p; p->i = 0; |}

let () =
  check pp_stmt parse_statement_list example
  @@ fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Decl _ }; { desc = Expr { desc = BinaryOperator {
      lhs = { desc = Member {
        base = Some { desc = DeclRef ({ name = IdentifierName "p" }) };
        arrow = true;
        field = FieldName { desc = { name = IdentifierName "i" } }}};
      kind = Assign;
      rhs = { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 0)}}}}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false
| ArraySubscript of {
base : expr;
index : expr;

Array subscript

let example = {| int a[1]; a[0] = 1; |}

let () =
  check pp_stmt parse_statement_list example
  @@ fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Decl _ }; { desc = Expr { desc = BinaryOperator {
      lhs = { desc = ArraySubscript {
        base = { desc = DeclRef ({ name = IdentifierName "a" }) };
        index = { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 0)}}};
      kind = Assign;
      rhs = { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1)}}}}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false
| ConditionalOperator of {
cond : expr;
then_branch : expr option;
else_branch : expr;

Conditional operator. None in else_branch captures GNU "missing middle" extension.

let example = {| 1 ? 2 : 3; |}

let () =
  check pp_stmt parse_statement_list example
  @@ fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Expr { desc = ConditionalOperator {
      cond = { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1)};
      then_branch = Some { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 2)};
      else_branch = { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 3)}}}}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false

let example = {| 1 ? : 3; |}

let () =
  check pp_stmt parse_statement_list example
  @@ fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Expr { desc = ConditionalOperator {
      cond = { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1)};
      then_branch = None;
      else_branch = { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 3)}}}}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false
| Paren of expr

Parenthesed expression.

Parenthesed expression are removed in the AST unless ~ignore_paren:false is passed to the converting function.

let example = {| (1); |}

let () =
  check pp_stmt (parse_statement_list
    ~options:{ Clang.Ast.Options.default with ignore_paren = false })
    example @@
  fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Expr { desc = Paren { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1)}}}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false

let () =
  check pp_stmt parse_statement_list example
  @@ fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Expr { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1)}}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false

let example = {| int i; sizeof(i); |}

let () =
  check pp_stmt (parse_statement_list
    ~options:{ Clang.Ast.Options.default with ignore_paren = false })
    example @@
  fun ast -> match ast with
  | [ { desc = Decl _ };
      { desc = Expr { desc = UnaryExpr {
          kind = SizeOf;
          argument = ArgumentExpr { desc = Paren { desc =
            DeclRef ({ name = IdentifierName "i" }) }}} }}] ->
  | _ -> assert false
| AddrLabel of string

Label address (Labels as Values GNU extension).

let example = {| label: &&label; |}

let () =
  check pp_stmt parse_statement_list example
  @@ fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Label {
        label = "label";
        body = { desc = Expr { desc = AddrLabel "label" }}}}] ->
  | _ -> assert false
| InitList of expr list

Initialization list.

let example = {| int a[2] = { 1, 2 }; |}

let () =
  check pp_decl parse_declaration_list example
  @@ fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Var { var_name = "a"; var_type = {
      desc = ConstantArray {
        element = { desc = BuiltinType Int };
        size = 2;
        size_as_expr = Some { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 2) }}};
      var_init = Some { desc = InitList [
        { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1)};
        { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 2)}] }}}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false
| CompoundLiteral of {
qual_type : qual_type;
init : expr;

Compound literal C99

let example = {| (int []) { 1, 2 }; |}

let () =
  check pp_stmt parse_statement_list example
  @@ fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Expr { desc = CompoundLiteral {
      qual_type = { desc = ConstantArray {
        element = { desc = BuiltinType Int };
        size = 2 }};
      init = { desc = InitList [
        { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1)};
        { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 2)}] }} }}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false
| UnaryExpr of {
kind : unary_expr_kind;
argument : expr_or_type;

Unary expr: sizeof, alignof (C++11), ...

let example = {| int i; sizeof(i); |}

let () =
  check pp_stmt parse_statement_list example
  @@ fun ast -> match ast with
  | [ { desc = Decl _ };
      { desc = Expr { desc = UnaryExpr {
          kind = SizeOf;
          argument = ArgumentExpr { desc =
            DeclRef ({ name = IdentifierName "i" }) }} }}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false

let example = {| sizeof(int); |}

let () =
  check pp_stmt parse_statement_list example
  @@ fun ast -> match ast with
  | [ { desc = Expr { desc = UnaryExpr {
          kind = SizeOf;
          argument = ArgumentType { desc = BuiltinType Int }} }}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false

let example = {| alignof(int); |}

let () =
  check pp_stmt
    (parse_statement_list ~language:CXX
    example @@
  fun ast -> match ast with
  | [ { desc = Expr { desc = UnaryExpr {
          kind = AlignOf;
          argument = ArgumentType { desc = BuiltinType Int }} }}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false

From Clang>=6.0.0, alignof is available by default with C++.

let () =
  if Clang.version () >= { major = 6; minor = 0; subminor = 0 } then
    check pp_stmt (parse_statement_list ~language:CXX)
    example @@ fun ast -> match ast with
    | [ { desc = Expr { desc = UnaryExpr {
            kind = AlignOf;
            argument = ArgumentType { desc = BuiltinType Int }} }}] -> ()
    | _ -> assert false
| GenericSelection of {
controlling_expr : expr;
assocs : (qual_type option * expr) list;

Generic selection (C11).

let example = {|
   _Generic("expr", double: 1, float: 2, default: 3);

let () =
  check pp_stmt parse_statement_list example
  @@ fun ast -> match ast with
  | [ { desc = Expr { desc = GenericSelection {
          controlling_expr = { desc = StringLiteral { bytes = "expr" }};
          assocs = [
            (Some { desc = BuiltinType Double},
              { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1)});
            (Some { desc = BuiltinType Float},
              { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 2)});
            (None, { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 3)})] }}}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false
| Predefined of {
kind : predefined_identifier_kind;
function_name : string;

Predefined identifiers.

let example = {|
    const char *_s = __func__;

let () =
  check_pattern quote_decl_list parse_declaration_list example
    [{ desc = Function {
      linkage = External;
      function_type = {
        calling_conv = C;
        result = { desc = BuiltinType Void};
        parameters = Some { non_variadic = []; variadic = false }};
      name = IdentifierName "myfunc";
      body = Some { desc = Compound [{
        desc = Decl [{ desc = Var {
          var_type = { desc = Pointer { desc = BuiltinType Char_S }};
          var_name = "_s";
          var_init = Some { desc = Predefined {
            kind = Func;
            function_name = "myfunc"; }}}}] }] }}}]]
| ExprWithCleanups of expr
| TemporaryObject of {
qual_type : qual_type;
args : expr list;
| MaterializeTemporaryExpr of expr
| BindTemporaryExpr of expr
| Lambda of {
capture_default : lambda_capture_default;
captures : lambda_capture list;
is_mutable : bool;
parameters : parameter list option;
result_type : qual_type option;
body : stmt;
| This
| New of {
placement_args : expr list;
qual_type : qual_type;
array_size : expr option;
init : expr option;
| Delete of {
global_delete : bool;
array_form : bool;
argument : expr;

Delete operator.

let example = {|
  struct T {};
    T* t = new T();
    delete t;

let () =
  check_pattern quote_decl_list (parse_declaration_list ~language:CXX) example
    [{ desc = RecordDecl { keyword = Struct; name = "T"; fields = [] }};
     { desc = Function {
      linkage = External;
      function_type = {
        calling_conv = C;
        result = { desc = BuiltinType Void};
        parameters = Some { non_variadic = []; variadic = false }};
      name = IdentifierName "f";
      body = Some { desc = Compound [
        { desc = Decl [{ desc = Var {
          var_type = { desc = Pointer { desc =
            Record ({ name = IdentifierName "T" })}};
          var_name = "t";
          var_init = Some { desc = New {
            placement_args = [];
            qual_type = { desc = Record ({ name = IdentifierName "T" })};
            array_size = None;
            init = None; }}}}] };
        { desc = Expr { desc = Delete {
          global_delete = false;
          array_form = false;
          argument = { desc = DeclRef ({ name = IdentifierName "t" })}}}}] }}}]]

let example = {|
    int* t = new int[10];
    delete[] t;

let () =
  check_pattern quote_decl_list (parse_declaration_list ~language:CXX) example
    [{ desc = Function {
      linkage = External;
      function_type = {
        calling_conv = C;
        result = { desc = BuiltinType Void};
        parameters = Some { non_variadic = []; variadic = false }};
      name = IdentifierName "f";
      body = Some { desc = Compound [
        { desc = Decl [{ desc = Var {
          var_type = { desc = Pointer { desc = BuiltinType Int }};
          var_name = "t";
          var_init = Some { desc = New {
            placement_args = [];
            qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int };
            array_size = Some { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 10)};
            init = None; }}}}] };
        { desc = Expr { desc = Delete {
          global_delete = false;
          array_form = true;
          argument = { desc = DeclRef ({ name = IdentifierName "t" })}}}}] }}}]]

let example = {|
  struct T {};
    T* t = new T();
    ::delete t;

let () =
  check_pattern quote_decl_list (parse_declaration_list ~language:CXX) example
    [{ desc = RecordDecl { keyword = Struct; name = "T"; fields = [] }};
     { desc = Function {
      linkage = External;
      function_type = {
        calling_conv = C;
        result = { desc = BuiltinType Void};
        parameters = Some { non_variadic = []; variadic = false }};
      name = IdentifierName "f";
      body = Some { desc = Compound [
        { desc = Decl [{ desc = Var {
          var_type = { desc = Pointer { desc =
            Record ({ name = IdentifierName "T" })}};
          var_name = "t";
          var_init = Some { desc = New {
            placement_args = [];
            qual_type = { desc = Record ({ name = IdentifierName "T" })};
            array_size = None;
            init = None; }}}}] };
        { desc = Expr { desc = Delete {
          global_delete = true;
          array_form = false;
          argument = { desc = DeclRef ({ name = IdentifierName "t" })}}}}] }}}]]
| Typeid of expr_or_type
| PackExpansionExpr of expr
| Fold of {
lhs : expr option;
operator : binary_operator_kind;
rhs : expr option;
| SizeOfPack of ident_ref
| Construct of {
qual_type : qual_type;
args : expr list;
| UnresolvedConstruct of {
qual_type : qual_type;
args : expr list;
| ThrowExpr of expr option
| TemplateRef of ident_ref
| OverloadedDeclRef of ident_ref
| StdInitializerList of expr list
| DefaultArg
| UnexposedExpr of Clang__.Clang__bindings.clang_ext_stmtkind
| SubstNonTypeTemplateParm of expr
| ArrayInitLoop of {
common_expr : expr;
sub_expr : expr;
| ArrayInitIndex
| NoexceptExpr of expr

noexcept unary operator (C++11).

let example =

let () =
  check_pattern quote_stmt_list
    (parse_statement_list ~language:CXX ~standard:Cxx11) example
    [{ desc = Expr { desc = NoexceptExpr { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1)}}}]]
| ImplicitValueInit of qual_type

Implicitly generated initialization value.

let example = {|
struct { int a; int b } x = { 1 };

let () =
  if Clang.version () >= { major = 3; minor = 7; subminor = 0 } then
    check_pattern quote_stmt_list (parse_statement_list
      ~options:{ Clang.Ast.Options.default with init_list_form = Semantic })
      [{ desc = Decl [
        { desc = RecordDecl _; _ };
        { desc = Var {
            var_name = "x";
            var_init = Some { desc = InitList [
              { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1); _ };
              { desc = ImplicitValueInit {
                  desc = (BuiltinType Int) }}] }}}] }]]
| DesignatedInit of {
designators : designator list;
init : expr;
| Requires of {
local_parameters : parameter list;
requirements : requirement list;

Requires expression (C++ 20).

let example = {|
  template<typename T> concept Addable = requires (T x) { x + x; };

let () =
  if Clang.version () >= { major = 10; minor = 0; subminor = 0 } then
    check_pattern quote_decl_list (parse_declaration_list ~language:CXX
      ~command_line_args:[Clang.Command_line.standard Cxx20]) example
      [{ desc = Concept {
         parameters = { list = [{ desc = { parameter_name = "T" }}] };
         name = IdentifierName ("Addable");
         constraint_expr = {
           desc = Requires {
             local_parameters =[ { desc = {
               qual_type = { desc = TemplateTypeParm "T" };
               name = "x" }}];
             requirements = [Simple { expr = { desc = BinaryOperator {
               lhs = { desc = DeclRef { name = IdentifierName "x" }};
               kind = Add;
               rhs = { desc = DeclRef { name = IdentifierName "x" }}}}}] }}}}]]
| UnknownExpr of Clang__.Clang__bindings.cxcursorkind * Clang__.Clang__bindings.clang_ext_stmtkind
and field = Custom(LazyNode).field =
| FieldName of ident_ref node
| PseudoDestructor of {
nested_name_specifier : nested_name_specifier option;
qual_type : qual_type;
| DependentScopeMember of {
ident_ref : ident_ref;
template_arguments : template_argument list;
| UnresolvedMember of ident_ref
and lambda_capture = Custom(LazyNode).lambda_capture = {
capture_kind : lambda_capture_kind;
implicit : bool;
captured_var_name : string option;
pack_expansion : bool;
and cast_kind = Custom(LazyNode).cast_kind =
| CStyle
| Implicit
| Functional
| Static
| Dynamic
| Const
and expr_or_type = Custom(LazyNode).expr_or_type =
| ArgumentExpr of expr
| ArgumentType of qual_type
and string_literal = Custom(LazyNode).string_literal = {
byte_width : int;
bytes : string;
string_kind : string_kind;
and designator = Custom(LazyNode).designator =
| FieldDesignator of string

Designator for a field of a structure or an union in a designated initialization list.

let example = {|
  struct {
    int a;
    int b;
  } s = { .a = 1, .b = 2 };

let () =
  check_pattern quote_stmt_list parse_statement_list example
    [{ desc = Decl [
      { desc = RecordDecl _; _ };
      { desc = Var {
          var_name = "s";
          var_init = Some { desc = InitList [
             { desc = DesignatedInit {
                designators = [FieldDesignator "a"];
                init = { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1) }}};
             { desc = DesignatedInit {
                designators = [FieldDesignator "b"];
                init = { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 2) }}}] }}}] }]]
| ArrayDesignator of expr
| ArrayRangeDesignator of expr * expr
and decl = decl_desc node
and decl_desc = Custom(LazyNode).decl_desc =
| TemplateDecl of {
parameters : template_parameter_list;
decl : decl;

Template declaration.

let example = {| template <class X, int i> int f(X); |}

let () =
  check pp_decl (parse_declaration_list ~language:CXX) example @@
  fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = TemplateDecl {
      parameters = { list = [
        { desc = {
            parameter_name = "X";
            parameter_kind = Class { default = None }}};
        { desc = { parameter_name = "i"; parameter_kind = NonType {
            parameter_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int };
            default = None }}}] };
      decl = { desc = Function {
        function_type = {
          calling_conv = C;
          result = { desc = BuiltinType Int};
          parameters = Some {
            non_variadic = [
              { desc = {
                  name = "";
                  qual_type = { desc = TemplateTypeParm "X"}}}];
            variadic = false }};
        name = IdentifierName "f";
        body = None }}}}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false

let example = {|
  template <class X = bool, int i = 4>
  class C { X x; int v = i; };

let () =
  check pp_decl (parse_declaration_list ~language:CXX) example @@
  fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = TemplateDecl {
      parameters = { list = [
        { desc = {
            parameter_name = "X";
            parameter_kind =
              Class { default = Some { desc = BuiltinType Bool }}}};
        { desc = { parameter_name = "i"; parameter_kind = NonType {
            parameter_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int };
            default = Some { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 4)}}}}] };
      decl = { desc = RecordDecl {
        keyword = Class;
        name = "C";
        fields = [
          { desc = Field {
              name = "x";
              qual_type = { desc = TemplateTypeParm "X" }}};
          { desc = Field {
              name = "v";
              qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int }}}] }}}}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false

let example = {|
  class C {
    template <class X>
    int f(X x);

  template <class X>
  int C::f(X x)
    return 0;
  } |}

let () =
  check_pattern quote_decl_list (parse_declaration_list ~language:CXX) example
    [{ desc = RecordDecl {
      keyword = Class;
      name = "C";
      fields = [
        { desc = TemplateDecl {
            parameters = { list = [
              { desc = { parameter_name = "X";
                parameter_kind = Class { default = None };
                parameter_pack = false; }}] };
            decl = { desc = CXXMethod {
              type_ref = { desc = Record ({ name = IdentifierName "C" }) };
              function_decl = {
                function_type = {
                  result = { desc = BuiltinType Int };
                  parameters = Some { non_variadic = [
                    { desc = {
                        name = "x";
                        qual_type = { desc = TemplateTypeParm "X" }}}] }};
                name = IdentifierName "f";
                body = None; }}}}}] }};
     { desc = TemplateDecl {
         parameters = { list = [{ desc = {
           parameter_name = "X";
           parameter_kind = Class { default = None };
           parameter_pack = false; }}] };
         decl = { desc = CXXMethod {
           type_ref = { desc = Record ({ name = IdentifierName "C" }) };
           function_decl = {
             function_type = {
               result = { desc = BuiltinType Int };
               parameters = Some { non_variadic = [
                 { desc = {
                     name = "x";
                     qual_type = { desc = TemplateTypeParm "X" }}}] }};
             name = IdentifierName "f";
             body = Some { desc = Compound [
               { desc =
                   Return (Some { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 0)})}] }; }}}}}]]

let example = {| template<class ... Types> struct Tuple {}; |}

let () =
  check pp_decl (parse_declaration_list ~language:CXX) example @@
  fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = TemplateDecl {
        parameters = { list = [
          { desc = {
            parameter_name = "Types";
            parameter_kind = Class { default = None };
            parameter_pack = true; }}] };
        decl = { desc = RecordDecl {
          keyword = Struct;
          name = "Tuple"; }}}}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false

let example = {|
  template<typename T> requires (sizeof(T) > 1)
  void f(T);

let () =
  if Clang.version () >= { major = 9; minor = 0; subminor = 0 } then
    check_pattern quote_decl_list (parse_declaration_list ~language:CXX
      ~command_line_args:[Clang.Command_line.standard Cxx20]) example
      [{ desc = TemplateDecl {
         parameters = {
           list = [{ desc = { parameter_name = "T" }}];
           requires_clause = Some ({ desc = BinaryOperator {
             lhs = { desc = UnaryExpr {
               kind = SizeOf;
               argument = ArgumentType { desc = TemplateTypeParm "T" }}};
             kind = GT;
             rhs =  { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1) }}})};
         decl = { desc = Function {
           function_type = {
             result = { desc = BuiltinType Void };
             parameters = Some {
               non_variadic = [
                 { desc = { qual_type = { desc = TemplateTypeParm "T" }}}] }};
           name = IdentifierName "f";
           body = None; }}}}]]
| Function of function_decl

Function definition or forward declaration. In case of function definition, we should have body = Some { desc = Compound list; _ } for some list. In case of forward declaration, body = None.

let example = {| int f(void) { return 0; } |}

let () =
  check pp_decl parse_declaration_list example
  @@ fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Function {
      linkage = External;
      function_type = {
        calling_conv = C;
        result = { desc = BuiltinType Int};
        parameters = Some { non_variadic = []; variadic = false }};
      name = IdentifierName "f";
      body = Some { desc = Compound [
        { desc = Return (Some {desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 0)})}] }}}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false

let example = {| static int f(int x); |}

let () =
  check pp_decl parse_declaration_list example @@
  fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Function {
      linkage = Internal;
      function_type = {
        calling_conv = C;
        result = { desc = BuiltinType Int};
        parameters = Some {
          non_variadic = [
            { desc = { name = "x"; qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int }}}];
          variadic = false }};
      name = IdentifierName "f";
      body = None }}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false
| TemplatePartialSpecialization of {
parameters : template_parameter_list;
arguments : template_argument list;
decl : decl;

Template partial specialization.

let example = {|
template<long n> struct A { };
template<typename T> struct C;
template<typename T, T n> struct C<A<n>> {
  using Q = T;
let () =
  if Clang.version () >= { major = 3; minor = 5; subminor = 0 } then
    check_pattern quote_decl_list (parse_declaration_list ~language:CXX
      ~command_line_args:[Clang.Command_line.standard Cxx17]) example
    [%pattern? [
      { desc = TemplateDecl {
        parameters = { list = [
          { desc = {
            parameter_name = "n";
            parameter_kind = NonType {
              parameter_type = { desc = BuiltinType Long }}}}] };
        decl = { desc = RecordDecl {
          keyword = Struct; name = "A"; fields = [] }}}};
      { desc = TemplateDecl {
        parameters = { list = [
          { desc = { parameter_name = "T"; parameter_kind = Class _ }}] };
        decl = { desc = RecordDecl {
          keyword = Struct; name = "C"; fields = [] }}}};
      { desc = TemplatePartialSpecialization {
        parameters = { list = [
          { desc = { parameter_name = "T"; parameter_kind = Class _ }};
          { desc = {
            parameter_name = "n";
            parameter_kind = NonType {
              parameter_type = { desc = TemplateTypeParm "T" }}}}] };
        arguments = [
          Type { desc = TemplateSpecialization {
            name = NameTemplate "A";
            args = [
              ExprTemplateArgument { desc = DeclRef {
                name = IdentifierName "n" }}] }}];
        decl = { desc = RecordDecl {
          keyword = Struct; name = "C"; fields = [
            { desc = TypeAlias {
              ident_ref = { name = IdentifierName "Q" };
              qual_type = { desc = TemplateTypeParm "T" }}}] }}}}]]
| CXXMethod of {
function_decl : function_decl;
type_ref : qual_type;
defaulted : bool;
static : bool;
binding : cxx_method_binding_kind;
const : bool;

C++ method.

let example = {|
    class C {
      int f(char);
      void const_method() const {
      virtual void virtual_method() {
      virtual void pure_virtual_method() = 0;
      static void static_method() {
      void deleted_method() =delete;
      C &operator+(C &rhs) {
        return *this;

    int C::f(char c) {
      return 0;

let () =
  check_pattern quote_decl_list (parse_declaration_list ~language:CXX) example
    [{ desc = RecordDecl {
      keyword = Class;
      name = "C";
      fields = [
        { desc = CXXMethod {
          type_ref = { desc = Record ({ name = IdentifierName "C" }) };
          function_decl = {
            name = IdentifierName "f";
            function_type = {
              result = { desc = BuiltinType Int };
              parameters = Some { non_variadic = [
                { desc = {
                    name = "";
                    qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Char_S }}}] }};
            body = None; }}};
        { desc = CXXMethod {
          type_ref = { desc = Record ({ name = IdentifierName "C" }) };
          function_decl = {
            name = IdentifierName "const_method";
            function_type = {
              result = { desc = BuiltinType Void };
              parameters = Some { non_variadic = [] }};
            body = Some { desc = Compound [] }};
          const = true; }};
        { desc = CXXMethod {
          type_ref = { desc = Record ({ name = IdentifierName "C" }) };
          binding = Virtual;
          function_decl = {
            name = IdentifierName "virtual_method";
            function_type = {
              result = { desc = BuiltinType Void };
              parameters = Some { non_variadic = [] }};
            body = Some { desc = Compound [] }; }}};
        { desc = CXXMethod {
          type_ref = { desc = Record ({ name = IdentifierName "C" }) };
          binding = PureVirtual;
          function_decl = {
            name = IdentifierName "pure_virtual_method";
            function_type = {
              result = { desc = BuiltinType Void };
              parameters = Some { non_variadic = [] }};
            body = None; }}};
        { desc = CXXMethod {
          type_ref = { desc = Record ({ name = IdentifierName "C" }) };
          function_decl = {
            name = IdentifierName "static_method";
            function_type = {
              result = { desc = BuiltinType Void };
              parameters = Some { non_variadic = [] }};
            body = Some { desc = Compound [] }};
          static = true; }};
        { desc = CXXMethod {
          type_ref = { desc = Record ({ name = IdentifierName "C" }) };
          function_decl = {
            name = IdentifierName "deleted_method";
            function_type = {
              result = { desc = BuiltinType Void };
              parameters = Some { non_variadic = [] }};
            deleted = true;
            body = None; }; }};
        { desc = CXXMethod {
          type_ref = { desc = Record ({ name = IdentifierName "C" }) };
          function_decl = {
            name = OperatorName Plus;
            function_type = {
              result = { desc = LValueReference { desc =
                Record ({ name = IdentifierName "C" }) }};
              parameters = Some {
                non_variadic = [{ desc = {
                  name = "rhs";
                  qual_type = { desc =
                    LValueReference { desc =
                      Record ({ name = IdentifierName "C" }) }}}}] }};
            body = Some { desc = Compound [{
              desc = Return (Some {
                desc = UnaryOperator {
                  kind = Deref;
                  operand = { desc = This }}})}] }}}}] }};
      { desc = CXXMethod {
        type_ref = { desc = Record ({ name = IdentifierName "C" }) };
        function_decl = {
          name = IdentifierName "f";
          function_type = {
            result = { desc = BuiltinType Int };
            parameters = Some { non_variadic = [{ desc = {
              name = "c";
              qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Char_S }}}] }};
          body = Some { desc = Compound [
            { desc = Return (Some { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 0) })}] }}}}]]
| Var of var_decl_desc

Variable declaration.

let example = {| int x = 1; |}

let () =
    check pp_decl parse_declaration_list example @@
    fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Var {
      linkage = External;
      var_type = { const = false; desc = BuiltinType Int };
      var_name = "x";
      var_init = Some { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1)}}}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false

let example = {| const int x = 1; |}

let () =
    check pp_decl parse_declaration_list example @@
    fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Var {
      linkage = External;
      var_type = { const = true; desc = BuiltinType Int };
      var_name = "x";
      var_init = Some { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1)}}}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false

let example = {| static int x = 1; |}

let () =
    check pp_decl parse_declaration_list example @@
    fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Var {
      linkage = Internal;
      var_type = { const = false; desc = BuiltinType Int };
      var_name = "x";
      var_init = Some ({ desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1)})}}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false

let example = {| int var1 asm("altvar") = 1; |}

[%%meta if Clangml_config.version.major >= 10 then [%stri
let () =
  check_pattern quote_decl_list (parse_declaration_list ~language:CXX) example
    [{ desc = Var {
      var_type = { const = false; desc = BuiltinType Int };
      var_name = "var1";
      var_init = Some ({ desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1)});
      attributes = [{ desc = AsmLabel { label = "altvar" }}] }}]]]
else Metapp.Stri.of_list []]
| EnumDecl of {
name : string;
constants : enum_constant list;
complete_definition : bool;
attributes : attribute list;

Enum declaration.

let example = {| enum e { A, B = 2, C }; |}

let () =
  check_pattern quote_decl_list (parse_declaration_list ~language:CXX) example
    [{ desc = EnumDecl {
      name = "e";
      constants = [
        { desc = { constant_name = "A"; constant_init = None }} as a;
        { desc = {
          constant_name = "B";
          constant_init = Some { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 2)}}} as b;
        { desc = { constant_name = "C"; constant_init = None }} as c] }}]]
  ~result:(fun bindings ->
    assert (Clang.Enum_constant.get_value bindings#a = 0);
    assert (Clang.Enum_constant.get_value bindings#b = 2);
    assert (Clang.Enum_constant.get_value bindings#c = 3))

let example = {|
enum __attribute__((enum_extensibility(closed))) ClosedEnum {
  A0, A1

enum __attribute__((enum_extensibility(open))) OpenEnum {
  B0, B1

enum __attribute__((enum_extensibility(closed),flag_enum)) ClosedFlagEnum {
  C0 = 1 << 0, C1 = 1 << 1

enum __attribute__((enum_extensibility(open),flag_enum)) OpenFlagEnum {
  D0 = 1 << 0, D1 = 1 << 1

[%%meta if Clangml_config.version.major >= 5 then [%stri
let () =
  check_pattern quote_decl_list parse_declaration_list example
    [{ desc = EnumDecl {
          name = "ClosedEnum";
          constants = [
            { desc = { constant_name = "A0"; constant_init = None }};
            { desc = { constant_name = "A1"; constant_init = None }}];
          complete_definition = true;
          attributes = [{ desc = EnumExtensibility Closed }] }};
      { desc = EnumDecl {
          name = "OpenEnum";
          constants = [
            { desc = { constant_name = "B0"; constant_init = None }};
            { desc = { constant_name = "B1"; constant_init = None }}];
          complete_definition = true;
          attributes = [{ desc = EnumExtensibility Open }] }};
      { desc = EnumDecl {
          name = "ClosedFlagEnum";
          constants = [
            { desc = { constant_name = "C0";
                constant_init = Some { desc = BinaryOperator {
                  lhs = { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1) };
                  kind = Shl;
                  rhs = { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 0) }}}}};
            { desc = { constant_name = "C1";
                constant_init = Some { desc = BinaryOperator {
                  lhs = { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1) };
                  kind = Shl;
                  rhs = { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1) }}}}}];
          complete_definition = true;
          attributes = ([
            { desc = EnumExtensibility Closed };
            { desc = Other FlagEnum }] | [
            { desc = Other FlagEnum };
            { desc = EnumExtensibility Closed }]) }};
      { desc = EnumDecl {
          name = "OpenFlagEnum";
          constants = [
            { desc = { constant_name = "D0";
                constant_init = Some { desc = BinaryOperator {
                  lhs = { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1) };
                  kind = Shl;
                  rhs = { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 0) }}}}};
            { desc = { constant_name = "D1";
                constant_init = Some { desc = BinaryOperator {
                  lhs = { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1) };
                  kind = Shl;
                  rhs = { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1) }}}}}];
          complete_definition = true;
          attributes = ([
            { desc = EnumExtensibility Open };
            { desc = Other FlagEnum }] | [
            { desc = Other FlagEnum };
            { desc = EnumExtensibility Open }]) }}]]]
else Metapp.Stri.of_list []]
| RecordDecl of record_decl

Record declaration (struct, union or class).

let example = {| struct s { int i; float f; }; |}

let () =
  check pp_decl parse_declaration_list example
  @@ fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = RecordDecl {
      keyword = Struct;
      name = "s";
      fields = [
        { desc = Field { name = "i";
          qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int}}};
        { desc = Field { name = "f";
          qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Float}}}] }}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false

let example = {| struct s { int a:1; int b:2; int c; }; |}

let () =
  check pp_decl parse_declaration_list example
  @@ fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = RecordDecl {
      keyword = Struct;
      name = "s";
      fields = [
        { desc = Field { name = "a";
          qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int};
          bitwidth = Some { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1)}}} as a;
        { desc = Field { name = "b";
          qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int};
          bitwidth = Some { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 2)}}};
        { desc = Field { name = "c";
          qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int};
          bitwidth = None}}] }}] ->
      assert (Clang.Decl.get_field_bit_width a = 1)
  | _ -> assert false

let example = {| union u { int i; float f; }; |}

let () =
  check pp_decl parse_declaration_list example
  @@ fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = RecordDecl {
      keyword = Union;
      name = "u";
      fields = [
        { desc = Field { name = "i";
          qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int}}};
        { desc = Field { name = "f";
          qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Float}}}] }}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false

let example = {| union u { int a:1; int b:2; int c; }; |}

let () =
  check pp_decl parse_declaration_list example
  @@ fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = RecordDecl {
      keyword = Union;
      name = "u";
      fields = [
        { desc = Field { name = "a";
          qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int};
          bitwidth = Some { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1)}}} as a;
        { desc = Field { name = "b";
          qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int};
          bitwidth = Some { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 2)}}};
        { desc = Field { name = "c";
          qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int};
          bitwidth = None}}] }}] ->
      assert (Clang.Decl.get_field_bit_width a = 1)
  | _ -> assert false

let example = {| struct s { int label; union { int i; float f; };}; |}

let () =
  check pp_decl parse_declaration_list example
  @@ fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = RecordDecl {
      keyword = Struct;
      name = "s";
      fields = [
        { desc = Field { name = "label";
          qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int}}};
        { desc = RecordDecl { keyword = Union; name = ""; fields = [
          { desc = Field { name = "i";
            qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int}}};
          { desc = Field { name = "f";
            qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Float}}}] }}] }}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false

let example = {| union s { int single; struct { int i; float f; };}; |}

let () =
  check pp_decl parse_declaration_list example
  @@ fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = RecordDecl {
      keyword = Union;
      name = "s";
      fields = [
        { desc = Field { name = "single";
          qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int}}};
        { desc = RecordDecl { keyword = Struct; name = ""; fields = [
          { desc = Field { name = "i";
            qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int}}};
          { desc = Field { name = "f";
            qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Float}}}] }}] }}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false
| TypedefDecl of {
name : string;
underlying_type : qual_type;

Typedef declaration.

Note that if the typedef declares a new underlying type, the declaration of the underlying type precedes the typedef declaration in the AST.

let example = {| typedef int int_t; |}

let () =
  check pp_decl parse_declaration_list example
  @@ fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = TypedefDecl {
      name = "int_t";
      underlying_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int }}}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false

let example = {| typedef union u { int i; float f; } u_t; |}

let () =
  check_pattern quote_decl_list parse_declaration_list example
    [{ desc = RecordDecl {
        keyword = Union;
        name = "u";
        fields = [
          { desc = Field { name = "i";
            qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int}}};
          { desc = Field { name = "f";
            qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Float}}}] }};
      { desc = TypedefDecl {
        name = "u_t";
        underlying_type = { desc = Elaborated {
          keyword = Union;
          named_type = { desc = Record ({ name = IdentifierName "u" }) }}}}}]]

let example = {| typedef union { int i; float f; } u_t; |}

let () =
  check_pattern quote_decl_list parse_declaration_list example
    [{ desc = RecordDecl {
        keyword = Union;
        name = "";
        fields = [
          { desc = Field {
              name = "i";
              qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int}}};
          { desc = Field {
              name = "f";
              qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Float}}}] }};
      { desc = TypedefDecl {
        name = "u_t";
        underlying_type = { desc = Elaborated {
          keyword = Union;
          named_type = { desc = Record ({ name = IdentifierName "" }) }}}
            as underlying_type }}]]
  ~result:begin fun bindings ->
    let fields = bindings#underlying_type |> Clang.Type.list_of_fields in
    match test quote_decl_list fields [%pattern?
        [{ desc = Field {
            name = "i";
            qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int}}};
        { desc = Field {
            name = "f";
            qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Float}}}]] with
    | Ok () -> ()
    | Error failure ->
        Format.printf "@[failed:@ %a@]@." Pattern.format_failure
        assert false
| Field of {
name : string;
qual_type : qual_type;
bitwidth : expr option;
init : expr option;
attributes : attribute list;

Record (struct, union or class) field.

let example = {|
  struct s { int label : 1; union u { int i; float f; } data;};

let () =
  check pp_decl parse_declaration_list example
  @@ fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = RecordDecl {
      keyword = Struct;
      name = "s";
      fields = [
        { desc = Field { name = "label";
          qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int};
          bitwidth = Some { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1)};
          init = None; }};
        { desc = RecordDecl { keyword = Union; name = "u"; fields = [
          { desc = Field { name = "i";
            qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int};
            bitwidth = None;
            init = None; }};
          { desc = Field { name = "f";
            qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Float};
            bitwidth = None;
            init = None; }}] }};
        { desc = Field { name = "data";
          qual_type = { desc = Elaborated {
            keyword = Union;
            named_type = { desc = Record ({ name = IdentifierName "u" }) }}};
          bitwidth = None;
          init = None; }}] }}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false

let example = {| class C { int i = 1; }; |}

let () =
  check pp_decl (parse_declaration_list ~language:CXX) example
  @@ fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = RecordDecl {
      keyword = Class;
      name = "C";
      fields = [
        { desc = Field { name = "i";
          qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int};
          bitwidth = None;
          init = Some { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1)}}}] }}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false

Default member initializer for bit-field is a C++2a extension (supported from Clang >6.0.0).

let example = {| class C { int i : 3 = 2; }; |}

let () =
  if Clang.version () >= { major = 6; minor = 0; subminor = 0 } then
    check pp_decl (parse_declaration_list ~language:CXX
      ~command_line_args:["-std=c++2a"]) example
    @@ fun ast -> match ast with
    | [{ desc = RecordDecl {
        keyword = Class;
        name = "C";
        fields = [
          { desc = Field { name = "i";
            qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int};
            bitwidth = Some { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 3)};
            init = Some { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 2)}}}] }}] -> ()
    | _ -> assert false

Fields can have a no_unique_address attribute.

let example = {|
template<typename T, typename Alloc> struct my_vector {
  T *p;
  [[no_unique_address]] Alloc alloc;
  // ...

[%%meta if Clangml_config.version.major >= 9 then [%stri
    let () =
      check_pattern quote_decl_list (parse_declaration_list ~language:CXX)
        [{ desc = TemplateDecl {
          parameters = { list = [
            { desc = { parameter_name = "T" }};
            { desc = { parameter_name = "Alloc" }}] };
          decl = { desc = RecordDecl {
            keyword = Struct;
            fields = [
              { desc = Field {
                  name = "p";
                  qual_type = { desc =
                    Pointer { desc = TemplateTypeParm "T" }}}};
              { desc = Field {
                  name = "alloc";
                  qual_type = { desc = TemplateTypeParm "Alloc" };
                  attributes = [{ desc = Other NoUniqueAddress }] }}] }}}}]]]
  else Metapp.Stri.of_list []]
| AccessSpecifier of cxx_access_specifier

C++ access specifier.

let example = {|
    class c {
      private: int private_field;
      protected: int protected_field;
      public: int public_field;

let () =
  check_pattern quote_decl_list (parse_declaration_list ~language:CXX) example
    [{ desc = RecordDecl {
      keyword = Class;
      name = "c";
      fields = [
        { desc = AccessSpecifier CXXPrivate };
        { desc = Field { name = "private_field";
          qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int}}};
        { desc = AccessSpecifier CXXProtected };
        { desc = Field { name = "protected_field";
          qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int}}};
        { desc = AccessSpecifier CXXPublic };
        { desc = Field { name = "public_field";
          qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int}}}] }}]]
| Namespace of {
name : string;
declarations : decl list;
inline : bool;

C++ namespace.

let example = {|
    namespace example {
      int i;

let () =
  check pp_decl (parse_declaration_list ~language:CXX) example @@
  fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Namespace {
      name = "example";
      declarations = [
        { desc = Var { var_name = "i";
          var_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int}}}];
      inline = false; }}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false

let example = {|
    inline namespace example {
      int i;

let () =
  check pp_decl (parse_declaration_list ~language:CXX) example @@
  fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = Namespace {
      name = "example";
      declarations = [
        { desc = Var { var_name = "i";
          var_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int}}}];
      inline = true; }}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false
| UsingDirective of {
nested_name_specifier : nested_name_specifier option;
namespace : decl;

C++ "using" directive.

let example = {|
    namespace std {}
    using namespace std;

let () =
  check_pattern quote_decl_list (parse_declaration_list ~language:CXX) example
    [{ desc = Namespace { name = "std" }};
     { desc = UsingDirective {
      nested_name_specifier = None;
      namespace = { desc = Namespace { name = "std" }}}}]]
| UsingDeclaration of ident_ref

C++ "using" declaration.

let example = {|
    namespace std {
      void cout() {}
    using std::cout;

let () =
  check_pattern quote_decl_list (parse_declaration_list ~language:CXX) example
    [_; { desc = UsingDeclaration {
      nested_name_specifier = Some [NamespaceName "std"];
      name = IdentifierName "cout" }}]]
| Constructor of {
class_name : string;
parameters : parameters;
initializer_list : (string * expr) list;
body : stmt option;
explicit : bool;
defaulted : bool;
deleted : bool;
constexpr : bool;

C++ class constructor.

let example = {|
    class C {
      int i;
      C() = delete;
      explicit C(int v) : i(v) {

let () =
  check pp_decl (parse_declaration_list ~language:CXX) example @@
  fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = RecordDecl {
         keyword = Class;
         name = "C";
         fields = [
           { desc = Field {
               name = "i";
               qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int }}};
           { desc = Constructor {
               class_name = "C";
               parameters = {
                 non_variadic = [];
                 variadic = false;
               initializer_list = [];
               body = None;
               explicit = false;
               defaulted = false;
               deleted = true; }};
           { desc = Constructor {
               parameters = {
                 non_variadic = [{ desc = {
                   name = "v";
                   qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int}}}];
                 variadic = false;
               initializer_list =
                 ["i", { desc = DeclRef ({ name = IdentifierName "v" }) }];
               body = Some { desc = Compound [] };
               explicit = true;
               defaulted = false;
               deleted = false; }}; ] }}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false

let example = {|
    class C {
      C() =default;

let () =
  check pp_decl (parse_declaration_list ~language:CXX) example @@
  fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = RecordDecl {
         keyword = Class;
         name = "C";
         fields = [
           { desc = Constructor {
               class_name = "C";
               parameters = {
                 non_variadic = [];
                 variadic = false;
               initializer_list = [];
               body = None;
               explicit = false;
               defaulted = true;
               deleted = false; }}] }}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false
| Destructor of {
class_name : string;
body : stmt option;
defaulted : bool;
deleted : bool;
exception_spec : exception_spec option;

C++ class destructor.

let example = {|
    class C {
      ~C() {

let () =
  check pp_decl (parse_declaration_list ~language:CXX) example @@
  fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = RecordDecl {
         keyword = Class;
         name = "C";
         fields = [
           { desc = Destructor {
               class_name = "C";
               body = Some { desc = Compound [] };
               defaulted = false;
               deleted = false; }}] }}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false

let example = {|
    class C {
      ~C() =default;

let () =
  check pp_decl (parse_declaration_list ~language:CXX) example @@
  fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = RecordDecl {
         keyword = Class;
         name = "C";
         fields = [
           { desc = Destructor {
               class_name = "C";
               body = None;
               defaulted = true;
               deleted = false; }}] }}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false
| LinkageSpec of {
language : Clang__.Clang__types.language;
decls : decl list;

C++ language linkage.

let example = {|
    extern "C" {
      int i;

      void f() {

let () =
  check pp_decl (parse_declaration_list ~language:CXX) example @@
  fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = LinkageSpec {
         language = C;
         decls = [
           { desc = Var {
               var_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int };
               var_name = "i"; }};
           { desc = Function {
               function_type = {
                 result = { desc = BuiltinType Void };
                 parameters = Some { non_variadic = []; variadic = false }};
               name = IdentifierName "f";
               body = Some { desc = Compound [] }}}] }}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false

let example = {|
    extern "C++" {
      int i;

      void f() {

let () =
  check pp_decl (parse_declaration_list ~language:CXX) example @@
  fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = LinkageSpec {
         language = CXX;
         decls = [
           { desc = Var {
               var_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int };
               var_name = "i"; }};
           { desc = Function {
               function_type = {
                 result = { desc = BuiltinType Void };
                 parameters = Some { non_variadic = []; variadic = false }};
               name = IdentifierName "f";
               body = Some { desc = Compound [] }}}] }}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false
| TemplateTemplateParameter of string
| Friend of friend_decl

C++ friend declaration.

let example = {|
     class C {
       friend void f();
       friend class B;

let () =
  check_pattern quote_decl_list (parse_declaration_list ~language:CXX) example
    [{ desc = RecordDecl {
         keyword = Class;
         name = "C";
         fields = [
           { desc = Friend (FriendDecl { desc = Function {
               function_type = {
                 result = { desc = BuiltinType Void };
                 parameters = Some { non_variadic = []; variadic = false }};
               name = IdentifierName "f";
               body = None }})};
           { desc = Friend (FriendType { desc = Elaborated {
               keyword = Class;
               named_type = {
                 desc = Record ({ name = IdentifierName "B" }) }}})}] }}]]
let example = {|
     template <typename T> class C {
       friend T; // only in C++0x

let () =
  check_pattern quote_decl_list (parse_declaration_list ~language:CXX) example
    [{ desc = TemplateDecl {
         parameters = { list = [{ desc = {
           parameter_name = "T";
           parameter_kind = Class { default = _ }}}] };
         decl = { desc = RecordDecl {
           keyword = Class;
           name = "C";
           fields = [
             { desc = Friend (FriendType { desc =
                 TemplateTypeParm "T" })}] }}}}]]
let example = {|
     class C {
       template <typename T> friend class B;

let () =
  check_pattern quote_decl_list (parse_declaration_list ~language:CXX) example
    [{ desc = RecordDecl {
         keyword = Class;
         name = "C";
         fields = [{ desc = Friend (FriendDecl { desc = TemplateDecl {
           parameters = { list = [{ desc = {
             parameter_name = "T";
             parameter_kind = Class { default = _ }}}] };
           decl = { desc = RecordDecl {
             keyword = Class;
             name = "B";
             fields = [] }}}})}] }}]]
| NamespaceAlias of {
alias : ident_ref;
original : ident_ref;

C++ namespace alias.

let example = {|
  namespace N { int d; }
  namespace N1 = N;

let () =
  check_pattern quote_decl_list (parse_declaration_list ~language:CXX)
    example [%pattern?
    [{ desc = _ };
     { desc = NamespaceAlias {
         alias = { name = IdentifierName "N1" };
         original = { name = IdentifierName "N" } }}]]
| EmptyDecl

Empty declaration.

let example = ";"

let () =
  check pp_decl parse_declaration_list example @@
  fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = EmptyDecl }] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false
| Directive of directive
| StaticAssert of {
constexpr : expr;
message : expr option;

Optional since C++ 17


Static assertion. (C++ 11)

| TypeAlias of {
ident_ref : ident_ref;
qual_type : qual_type;
| Decomposition of {
bindings : declaration_name list;
init : expr option;

Structure decomposition. (C++ 17)

| Concept of {
parameters : template_parameter_list;
name : declaration_name;
constraint_expr : expr;

Concept declaration. (C++ 20)

let example = "template<class T> concept C1 = true;"

let () =
  if Clang.version () >= { major = 9; minor = 0; subminor = 0 } then
    check_pattern quote_decl_list (parse_declaration_list ~language:CXX
      ~command_line_args:[Clang.Command_line.standard Cxx20]) example
      [{ desc = Concept {
         parameters = { list = [{ desc = { parameter_name = "T" }}] };
         name = IdentifierName ("C1");
         constraint_expr = { desc = BoolLiteral true }}}]]

let example = "template<typename T> concept A = T::value || true;"

let () =
  if Clang.version () >= { major = 9; minor = 0; subminor = 0 } then
    check_pattern quote_decl_list (parse_declaration_list ~language:CXX
      ~command_line_args:[Clang.Command_line.standard Cxx20]) example
      [{ desc = Concept {
         parameters = { list = [{ desc = { parameter_name = "T" }}] };
         name = IdentifierName ("A");
         constraint_expr = {
           desc = BinaryOperator {
             lhs = { desc = DeclRef {
               nested_name_specifier = Some [
                 TypeSpec { desc = TemplateTypeParm "T" }];
               name = IdentifierName "value" }};
             kind = LOr;
             rhs = { desc = BoolLiteral true }}}}}]]
| Export of decl list

Export declaration context. (C++ 20)

let example = {|
  export module M;
  export namespace NS {}

let () =
  if Clang.version () >= { major = 9; minor = 0; subminor = 0 } then
    check_pattern quote_decl_list (parse_declaration_list ~language:CXX
      ~command_line_args:[Clang.Command_line.standard Cxx20]) example
      [{ desc = Export [
        { desc = Namespace {
          name = "NS";
          declarations = [] }}] }]]
| UnknownDecl of Clang__.Clang__bindings.cxcursorkind * Clang__.Clang__bindings.clang_ext_declkind
and directive = Custom(LazyNode).directive =
| Include of {
program_context : bool;
filename : string;
| Ifdef of string
| Ifndef of string
| Endif
and base_specifier = Custom(LazyNode).base_specifier = {
qual_type : qual_type;

Type of the base class.

let example = {|
class A {};
class B : A {};

let () =
  check_pattern quote_decl_list (parse_declaration_list ~language:CXX) example
    [{ desc = RecordDecl { keyword = Class; name = "A" }};
      { desc = RecordDecl {
          keyword = Class;
          name = "B";
          bases = [{
            qual_type = { desc = Record { name = IdentifierName "A" }};
            virtual_base = false;
            access_specifier = CXXPrivate; }] }}]]
virtual_base : bool;

Determines whether the base is virtual.

let example = {|
class A {};
class B : virtual A {};

let () =
  check_pattern quote_decl_list (parse_declaration_list ~language:CXX) example
    [{ desc = RecordDecl { keyword = Class; name = "A" }};
      { desc = RecordDecl {
          keyword = Class;
          name = "B";
          bases = [{
            qual_type = { desc = Record { name = IdentifierName "A" }};
            virtual_base = true;
            access_specifier = CXXPrivate; }] }}]]
access_specifier : cxx_access_specifier;

Determines whether the base is private (default), protected or public.

let example = {|
class A {};
class B : private A {};
class C : protected A {};
class D : public A {};

let () =
  check_pattern quote_decl_list (parse_declaration_list ~language:CXX) example
    [{ desc = RecordDecl { keyword = Class; name = "A" }};
      { desc = RecordDecl {
          keyword = Class;
          name = "B";
          bases = [{
            qual_type = { desc = Record { name = IdentifierName "A" }};
            virtual_base = false;
            access_specifier = CXXPrivate; }] }};
      { desc = RecordDecl {
          keyword = Class;
          name = "C";
          bases = [{
            qual_type = { desc = Record { name = IdentifierName "A" }};
            virtual_base = false;
            access_specifier = CXXProtected; }] }};
      { desc = RecordDecl {
          keyword = Class;
          name = "D";
          bases = [{
            qual_type = { desc = Record { name = IdentifierName "A" }};
            virtual_base = false;
            access_specifier = CXXPublic; }] }}]]
and ident_ref = Custom(LazyNode).ident_ref = {
nested_name_specifier : nested_name_specifier option;
name : declaration_name;
template_arguments : template_argument list;
let example = {|
  namespace ns1 {
    namespace ns2 {
      int f() {
        return 0;

  int g() {
    return ns1::ns2::f();

let () =
  check pp_decl (parse_declaration_list ~language:CXX) example @@
  fun ast -> match ast with
  | [_; { desc =
      Function {
        name = IdentifierName "g";
        body = Some { desc = Compound [
          { desc = Return (Some { desc = Call {
              callee = { desc = DeclRef ({
                nested_name_specifier = Some [
                  NamespaceName "ns1";
                  NamespaceName "ns2";];
                name = IdentifierName "f"})};
              args = []; }})}] }}}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false
let example = {|
  class C {
    enum E {
      A, B

  C::E g() {
    return C::E::A;

let () =
  if Clang.version () >= { major = 3; minor = 7; subminor = 0 } then
    check_pattern quote_decl_list
      (parse_declaration_list ~command_line_args:[
         Clang.Command_line.language CXX; "-std=c++11"]) example
      [_; { desc =
        Function {
          function_type = {
            result = { desc = Elaborated {
              nested_name_specifier = Some [
                TypeSpec { desc = Record { name = IdentifierName "C" }}];
              named_type = { desc = Enum { name = IdentifierName "E" }}}}};
          name = IdentifierName "g";
          body = Some { desc = Compound [
            { desc = Return (Some { desc = DeclRef {
                nested_name_specifier = Some [
                  TypeSpec { desc = Record { name = IdentifierName "C" }};
                  TypeSpec { desc = Enum { name = IdentifierName "E" }}];
                name = IdentifierName "A"}})}] }}}]]
and friend_decl = Custom(LazyNode).friend_decl =
| FriendDecl of decl
| FriendType of qual_type
and label_ref = string
and enum_constant = enum_constant_desc node
and enum_constant_desc = Custom(LazyNode).enum_constant_desc = {
constant_name : string;
constant_init : expr option;
and var_decl = var_decl_desc node
and var_decl_desc = Custom(LazyNode).var_decl_desc = {
linkage : linkage_kind;
var_name : string;
var_type : qual_type;
var_init : expr option;
constexpr : bool;
attributes : attribute list;
and cxx_method_binding_kind = Custom(LazyNode).cxx_method_binding_kind =
| NonVirtual
| Virtual
| PureVirtual

C++ method binding kind

and template_parameter_list = Custom(LazyNode).template_parameter_list = {
list : template_parameter list;
requires_clause : expr option;
and template_parameter = template_parameter_desc node

C++ template parameter

and template_parameter_desc = Custom(LazyNode).template_parameter_desc = {
parameter_name : string;
parameter_kind : template_parameter_kind;
parameter_pack : bool;


and template_parameter_kind = Custom(LazyNode).template_parameter_kind =
| Class of {
default : qual_type option;

Class (or typename) template parameter.

let example = {|
  template <class X, typename Y = bool>
  class C { X x; Y y; };

let () =
  check pp_decl (parse_declaration_list ~language:CXX) example @@
  fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = TemplateDecl {
      parameters = { list = [
        { desc = {
            parameter_name = "X";
            parameter_kind = Class { default = None }}};
        { desc = {
            parameter_name = "Y";
            parameter_kind =
              Class { default = Some { desc = BuiltinType Bool }}}}] };
      decl = { desc = RecordDecl {
        keyword = Class;
        name = "C";
        fields = [
          { desc = Field {
              name = "x";
              qual_type = { desc = TemplateTypeParm "X" }}};
          { desc = Field {
              name = "y";
              qual_type = { desc = TemplateTypeParm "Y" }}}] }}}}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false
| NonType of {
parameter_type : qual_type;
default : expr option;

Non type template parameter.

let example = {|
  template <int i = 4>
  class C { int v = i; };

let () =
  check pp_decl (parse_declaration_list ~language:CXX) example @@
  fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = TemplateDecl {
      parameters = { list = [
        { desc = { parameter_name = "i"; parameter_kind = NonType {
            parameter_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int };
            default = Some { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 4)}}}}] };
      decl = { desc = RecordDecl {
        keyword = Class;
        name = "C";
        fields = [
          { desc = Field {
              name = "v";
              qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int }}}] }}}}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false
| Template of {
parameters : template_parameter_list;
default : string option;

Template template parameter.

let example = {|
  template<typename T> class Default {};

  template <template<typename> class T = Default>
  class C {
    T<bool> x;
    T<int> y;

let () =
  check pp_decl (parse_declaration_list ~language:CXX) example @@
  fun ast -> match ast with
  | [{ desc = TemplateDecl {
       parameters = { list = [{ desc = {
         parameter_name = "T";
         parameter_kind = Class { default = None };
         parameter_pack = false; }}] };
       decl = { desc = RecordDecl {
         keyword = Class;
         name = "Default";
         fields = [] }}}};
     { desc = TemplateDecl {
       parameters = { list = [{ desc = {
         parameter_name = "T";
         parameter_kind = Template {
           parameters = { list = [{ desc = {
             parameter_name = "";
             parameter_kind = Class { default = None };
             parameter_pack = false; }}] };
         default = Some "Default" };
         parameter_pack = false; }}] };
       decl = { desc = RecordDecl {
         keyword = Class;
         name = "C";
         fields = [
           { desc = Field {
               name = "x";
               qual_type = { desc = TemplateSpecialization {
                 name = NameTemplate "T";
                 args = [Type { desc = BuiltinType Bool }] }}}};
           { desc = Field {
               name = "y";
               qual_type = { desc = TemplateSpecialization {
                 name = NameTemplate "T";
                 args = [Type { desc = BuiltinType Int }] }}}}] }}}}] -> ()
  | _ -> assert false

let example = {|
  template <template<int... > class T>
    class C {
      T<1, 2, 3> x;

let () =
  check_pattern quote_decl_list (parse_declaration_list ~language:CXX) example
     [{ desc = TemplateDecl {
       parameters = { list = [{ desc = {
         parameter_name = "T";
         parameter_kind = Template {
           parameters = { list = [{ desc = {
             parameter_name = "";
             parameter_kind = NonType {
               parameter_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int };
               default = None };
             parameter_pack = true }}] };
           default = None };
         parameter_pack = false }}] };
       decl = { desc = RecordDecl {
         keyword = Class;
         name = "C";
         fields = [
           { desc = Field {
               name = "x";
               qual_type = { desc = TemplateSpecialization {
                 name = NameTemplate "T";
                 args = [
                   ExprTemplateArgument { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1) };
                   ExprTemplateArgument { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 2) };
                   ExprTemplateArgument { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 3) }]
            }}}}] }}}}]]
and translation_unit = translation_unit_desc node
and translation_unit_desc = Custom(LazyNode).translation_unit_desc = {
filename : string;
items : decl list;
val node__variable_positive0 : 'a -> 'b -> 'a
val node__variable_negative0 : 'a -> 'b -> 'b
val node__variable_direct0 : 'a -> 'b -> 'a
type ('present, 'unknown) node__variable_positive0 = ('present'unknown) LazyNode.t__variable_positive0
and ('present, 'unknown) node__variable_negative0 = ('present'unknown) LazyNode.t__variable_negative0
and ('present, 'unknown) node__variable_direct0 = ('present'unknown) LazyNode.t__variable_direct0
and decoration__arity = [
| `Zero
and decoration__structure = [
| `Name of [ `Constr of [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `Opaque of [ `Zero ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `Opaque of [ `Succ of [ `Zero ] ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.option__structure * Refl.Builtins.option__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * unit) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref ]
and opaque_decoration__arity = [
| `Zero
and opaque_decoration__structure = [
| `Name of [ `Opaque of [ `Zero ] ]
and node__arity = [
| `Succ of [ `Zero ]
and node__structure = [
| `Name of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit * unit * unit * unit * unit ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of LazyNode.t__structure * LazyNode.t__rec_group ] ] ] * unit) ]
and qual_type__arity = [
| `Zero
and qual_type__structure = [
| `Name of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of opaque_cxtype__structure * opaque_cxtype__rec_group ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of opaque_type_loc__structure * opaque_type_loc__rec_group ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Builtin of [ `Bool ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Builtin of [ `Bool ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Builtin of [ `Bool ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of LazyNode.t__structure * LazyNode.t__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) LazyNode.t__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) LazyNode.t__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) LazyNode.t__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * unit))))) ]
and type_desc__arity = [
| `Zero
and type_desc__structure = [
| `Name of [ `Constr of (((([ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `Builtin of [ `String ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * ([ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Clang__.Clang__bindings.clang_ext_typekind__structure * Clang__.Clang__bindings.clang_ext_typekind__rec_group ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref)) * (([ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Builtin of [ `Int ] ] ] * unit) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref)) * ((([ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of builtin_type__structure * builtin_type__rec_group ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * (([ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref))) * (((([ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.list__structure * Refl.Builtins.list__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * unit) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * ([ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref)) * (([ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * [ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref)) * ((([ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Builtin of [ `Int ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.option__structure * Refl.Builtins.option__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * unit)) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * (([ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of elaborated_type_keyword__structure * elaborated_type_keyword__rec_group ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.option__structure * Refl.Builtins.option__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit)) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `Builtin of [ `String ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref))) ]
and template_name__arity = [
| `Zero
and template_name__structure = [
| `Name of [ `Constr of (([ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `Builtin of [ `String ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * ([ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref)) * (([ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) ]
and template_argument__arity = [
| `Zero
and template_argument__structure = [
| `Name of [ `Constr of ((([ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.list__structure * Refl.Builtins.list__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * ([ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref)) * (([ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of integer_literal__structure * integer_literal__rec_group ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * ([ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref)) ]
and requirement__arity = [
| `Zero
and requirement__structure = [
| `Name of [ `Constr of ([ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * ([ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) ]
and expr_requirement__arity = [
| `Zero
and expr_requirement__structure = [
| `Name of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.option__structure * Refl.Builtins.option__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * unit) ]
and type_constraint__arity = [
| `Zero
and type_constraint__structure = [
| `Name of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) ]
and nested_name_specifier__arity = [
| `Zero
and nested_name_specifier__structure = [
| `Name of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.list__structure * Refl.Builtins.list__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ]
and nested_name_specifier_component__arity = [
| `Zero
and nested_name_specifier_component__structure = [
| `Name of [ `Constr of (([ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `Builtin of [ `String ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * (([ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `Builtin of [ `String ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `Builtin of [ `String ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) ]
and declaration_name__arity = [
| `Zero
and declaration_name__structure = [
| `Name of [ `Constr of (([ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `Builtin of [ `String ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * ([ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `Builtin of [ `String ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref)) * (([ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of overloaded_operator_kind__structure * overloaded_operator_kind__rec_group ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * ([ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref)) ]
and record_decl__arity = [
| `Zero
and record_decl__structure = [
| `Name of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of elaborated_type_keyword__structure * elaborated_type_keyword__rec_group ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.list__structure * Refl.Builtins.list__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.option__structure * Refl.Builtins.option__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Builtin of [ `String ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.list__structure * Refl.Builtins.list__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.list__structure * Refl.Builtins.list__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Builtin of [ `Bool ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Builtin of [ `Bool ] ] ] * unit))))))) ]
and function_decl__arity = [
| `Zero
and function_decl__structure = [
| `Name of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of linkage_kind__structure * linkage_kind__rec_group ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.option__structure * Refl.Builtins.option__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.option__structure * Refl.Builtins.option__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Builtin of [ `Bool ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Builtin of [ `Bool ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Builtin of [ `Bool ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Builtin of [ `Bool ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.list__structure * Refl.Builtins.list__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * unit))))))))) ]
and function_type__arity = [
| `Zero
and function_type__structure = [
| `Name of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of calling_conv__structure * calling_conv__rec_group ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.option__structure * Refl.Builtins.option__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.option__structure * Refl.Builtins.option__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Clang__.Clang__bindings.cxrefqualifierkind__structure * Clang__.Clang__bindings.cxrefqualifierkind__rec_group ] ] ] * unit)))) ]
and exception_spec__arity = [
| `Zero
and exception_spec__structure = [
| `Name of [ `Constr of ([ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.option__structure * Refl.Builtins.option__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.option__structure * Refl.Builtins.option__rec_group ] ] * ([ `Builtin of [ `Bool ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * unit) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of exception_specification_type__structure * exception_specification_type__rec_group ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.list__structure * Refl.Builtins.list__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref ]
and parameters__arity = [
| `Zero
and parameters__structure = [
| `Name of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.list__structure * Refl.Builtins.list__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Builtin of [ `Bool ] ] ] * unit) ]
and parameter__arity = [
| `Zero
and parameter__structure = [
| `Name of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) node__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) node__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) node__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ]
and parameter_desc__arity = [
| `Zero
and parameter_desc__structure = [
| `Name of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Builtin of [ `String ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.option__structure * Refl.Builtins.option__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * unit)) ]
and stmt__arity = [
| `Zero
and stmt__structure = [
| `Name of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) node__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) node__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) node__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ]
and stmt_desc__arity = [
| `Zero
and stmt_desc__structure = [
| `Name of [ `Constr of (((([ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.option__structure * Refl.Builtins.option__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * [ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.option__structure * Refl.Builtins.option__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit)) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * (([ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.option__structure * Refl.Builtins.option__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.option__structure * Refl.Builtins.option__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.option__structure * Refl.Builtins.option__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * unit)))) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.list__structure * Refl.Builtins.list__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.list__structure * Refl.Builtins.list__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * unit) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref)) * ((([ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.option__structure * Refl.Builtins.option__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.option__structure * Refl.Builtins.option__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.option__structure * Refl.Builtins.option__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.option__structure * Refl.Builtins.option__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit)))) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * [ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * ([ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.option__structure * Refl.Builtins.option__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit)) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref))) * (((([ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.list__structure * Refl.Builtins.list__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.list__structure * Refl.Builtins.list__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * [ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * (([ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.option__structure * Refl.Builtins.option__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.option__structure * Refl.Builtins.option__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit))) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Clang__.Clang__bindings.cxcursorkind__structure * Clang__.Clang__bindings.cxcursorkind__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Clang__.Clang__bindings.clang_ext_stmtkind__structure * Clang__.Clang__bindings.clang_ext_stmtkind__rec_group ] ] * unit) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref)) * ((([ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit)) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.list__structure * Refl.Builtins.list__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * unit) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * ([ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref))) ]
and catch__arity = [
| `Zero
and catch__structure = [
| `Name of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.option__structure * Refl.Builtins.option__rec_group ] ] * ([ `Tuple of [ `Builtin of [ `String ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) ]
and asm__arity = [
| `Zero
and asm__structure = [
| `Name of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of asm_compiler_extension__structure * asm_compiler_extension__rec_group ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Builtin of [ `String ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.list__structure * Refl.Builtins.list__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.list__structure * Refl.Builtins.list__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * unit))) ]
and asm_operand__arity = [
| `Zero
and asm_operand__structure = [
| `Name of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `Builtin of [ `String ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) ]
and attribute__arity = [
| `Zero
and attribute__structure = [
| `Name of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) node__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) node__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) node__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ]
and attribute_desc__arity = [
| `Zero
and attribute_desc__structure = [
| `Name of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Clang__.Attributes.t__structure * Clang__.Attributes.t__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit))) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Clang__.Attributes.t__variable_positive0 * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Clang__.Attributes.t__variable_positive1 * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Clang__.Attributes.t__variable_positive2 * unit))) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Clang__.Attributes.t__variable_negative0 * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Clang__.Attributes.t__variable_negative1 * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Clang__.Attributes.t__variable_negative2 * unit))) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Clang__.Attributes.t__variable_direct0 * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Clang__.Attributes.t__variable_direct1 * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Clang__.Attributes.t__variable_direct2 * unit))) * ((unit * unit * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit))) ]
and expr__arity = [
| `Zero
and expr__structure = [
| `Name of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) node__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) node__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) node__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ]
and expr_desc__arity = [
| `Zero
and expr_desc__structure = [
| `Name of [ `Constr of ((((([ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of integer_literal__structure * integer_literal__rec_group ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.option__structure * Refl.Builtins.option__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of binary_operator_kind__structure * binary_operator_kind__rec_group ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.option__structure * Refl.Builtins.option__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * unit)) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * ([ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `Builtin of [ `String ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.list__structure * Refl.Builtins.list__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.list__structure * Refl.Builtins.list__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * unit) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref)) * (([ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of binary_operator_kind__structure * binary_operator_kind__rec_group ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit)) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref)) * ((([ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.option__structure * Refl.Builtins.option__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * [ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.list__structure * Refl.Builtins.list__rec_group ] ] * ([ `Tuple of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.option__structure * Refl.Builtins.option__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * unit) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * (([ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.option__structure * Refl.Builtins.option__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Builtin of [ `Bool ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit)) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * [ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.list__structure * Refl.Builtins.list__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.option__structure * Refl.Builtins.option__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.option__structure * Refl.Builtins.option__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * unit))) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref))) * (((([ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.list__structure * Refl.Builtins.list__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * unit) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * [ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * (([ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.list__structure * Refl.Builtins.list__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * unit) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * [ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of lambda_capture_default__structure * lambda_capture_default__rec_group ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.list__structure * Refl.Builtins.list__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Builtin of [ `Bool ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.option__structure * Refl.Builtins.option__rec_group ] ] * ([ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.list__structure * Refl.Builtins.list__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.option__structure * Refl.Builtins.option__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit))))) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref)) * ((([ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * (([ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.option__structure * Refl.Builtins.option__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit)) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref)))) * ((((([ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of floating_literal__structure * floating_literal__rec_group ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * ([ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.list__structure * Refl.Builtins.list__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Clang__.Clang__bindings.cxcursorkind__structure * Clang__.Clang__bindings.cxcursorkind__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Clang__.Clang__bindings.clang_ext_stmtkind__structure * Clang__.Clang__bindings.clang_ext_stmtkind__rec_group ] ] * unit) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref)) * (([ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Clang__.Clang__bindings.clang_ext_stmtkind__structure * Clang__.Clang__bindings.clang_ext_stmtkind__rec_group ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref)) * ((([ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `Builtin of [ `Bool ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * [ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of predefined_identifier_kind__structure * predefined_identifier_kind__rec_group ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Builtin of [ `String ] ] ] * unit) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * (([ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * [ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `Builtin of [ `Bool ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Builtin of [ `Bool ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit)) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref))) * (((([ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of character_kind__structure * character_kind__rec_group ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Builtin of [ `Int ] ] ] * unit) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.list__structure * Refl.Builtins.list__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * unit) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * [ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of unary_expr_kind__structure * unary_expr_kind__rec_group ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * (([ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `One of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit)) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref)) * ((([ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of unary_operator_kind__structure * unary_operator_kind__rec_group ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.list__structure * Refl.Builtins.list__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * [ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.list__structure * Refl.Builtins.list__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * unit) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * (([ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.list__structure * Refl.Builtins.list__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref)))) ]
and field__arity = [
| `Zero
and field__structure = [
| `Name of [ `Constr of ([ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) node__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) node__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) node__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.list__structure * Refl.Builtins.list__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * unit) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * ([ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.option__structure * Refl.Builtins.option__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) ]
and lambda_capture__arity = [
| `Zero
and lambda_capture__structure = [
| `Name of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of lambda_capture_kind__structure * lambda_capture_kind__rec_group ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Builtin of [ `Bool ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.option__structure * Refl.Builtins.option__rec_group ] ] * ([ `Builtin of [ `String ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Builtin of [ `Bool ] ] ] * unit))) ]
and cast_kind__arity = [
| `Zero
and cast_kind__structure = [
| `Name of [ `Constr of (([ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * (([ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) ]
and expr_or_type__arity = [
| `Zero
and expr_or_type__structure = [
| `Name of [ `Constr of [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref ]
and string_literal__arity = [
| `Zero
and string_literal__structure = [
| `Name of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `Builtin of [ `Int ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Builtin of [ `String ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of string_kind__structure * string_kind__rec_group ] ] ] * unit)) ]
and designator__arity = [
| `Zero
and designator__structure = [
| `Name of [ `Constr of ([ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `Builtin of [ `String ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref ]
and decl__arity = [
| `Zero
and decl__structure = [
| `Name of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) node__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) node__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) node__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ]
and decl_desc__arity = [
| `Zero
and decl_desc__structure = [
| `Name of [ `Constr of (((([ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `Builtin of [ `String ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * ([ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `Builtin of [ `String ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.option__structure * Refl.Builtins.option__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.option__structure * Refl.Builtins.option__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.list__structure * Refl.Builtins.list__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * unit)))) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit)) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref)) * (([ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref)) * ((([ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.list__structure * Refl.Builtins.list__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit)) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * ([ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `Builtin of [ `String ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.list__structure * Refl.Builtins.list__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Builtin of [ `Bool ] ] ] * unit)) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Clang__.Clang__bindings.cxcursorkind__structure * Clang__.Clang__bindings.cxcursorkind__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Clang__.Clang__bindings.clang_ext_declkind__structure * Clang__.Clang__bindings.clang_ext_declkind__rec_group ] ] * unit) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref)) * (([ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * [ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `Builtin of [ `String ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.option__structure * Refl.Builtins.option__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Builtin of [ `Bool ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Builtin of [ `Bool ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.option__structure * Refl.Builtins.option__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * unit)))) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref))) * (((([ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * ([ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of cxx_access_specifier__structure * cxx_access_specifier__rec_group ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.list__structure * Refl.Builtins.list__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref)) * (([ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `Builtin of [ `String ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.list__structure * Refl.Builtins.list__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Builtin of [ `Bool ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.list__structure * Refl.Builtins.list__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * unit))) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.option__structure * Refl.Builtins.option__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * unit) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * [ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `Builtin of [ `String ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.list__structure * Refl.Builtins.list__rec_group ] ] * ([ `Tuple of [ `Builtin of [ `String ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.option__structure * Refl.Builtins.option__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Builtin of [ `Bool ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Builtin of [ `Bool ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Builtin of [ `Bool ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Builtin of [ `Bool ] ] ] * unit))))))) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref)) * ((([ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Builtin of [ `Bool ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Builtin of [ `Bool ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Builtin of [ `Bool ] ] ] * unit))))) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * [ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.option__structure * Refl.Builtins.option__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * (([ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `Builtin of [ `String ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.list__structure * Refl.Builtins.list__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.option__structure * Refl.Builtins.option__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * unit) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * [ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Clang__.Clang__types.language__structure * Clang__.Clang__types.language__rec_group ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.list__structure * Refl.Builtins.list__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * unit) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref))) ]
and directive__arity = [
| `Zero
and directive__structure = [
| `Name of [ `Constr of ([ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `Builtin of [ `Bool ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Builtin of [ `String ] ] ] * unit) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `Builtin of [ `String ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * ([ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `Builtin of [ `String ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) ]
and base_specifier__arity = [
| `Zero
and base_specifier__structure = [
| `Name of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Builtin of [ `Bool ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of cxx_access_specifier__structure * cxx_access_specifier__rec_group ] ] ] * unit)) ]
and ident_ref__arity = [
| `Zero
and ident_ref__structure = [
| `Name of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.option__structure * Refl.Builtins.option__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.list__structure * Refl.Builtins.list__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * unit)) ]
and friend_decl__arity = [
| `Zero
and friend_decl__structure = [
| `Name of [ `Constr of [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref ]
and label_ref__arity = [
| `Zero
and label_ref__structure = [
| `Name of [ `Builtin of [ `String ] ]
and enum_constant__arity = [
| `Zero
and enum_constant__structure = [
| `Name of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) node__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) node__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) node__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ]
and enum_constant_desc__arity = [
| `Zero
and enum_constant_desc__structure = [
| `Name of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `Builtin of [ `String ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.option__structure * Refl.Builtins.option__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * unit) ]
and var_decl__arity = [
| `Zero
and var_decl__structure = [
| `Name of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) node__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) node__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) node__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ]
and var_decl_desc__arity = [
| `Zero
and var_decl_desc__structure = [
| `Name of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of linkage_kind__structure * linkage_kind__rec_group ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Builtin of [ `String ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.option__structure * Refl.Builtins.option__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Builtin of [ `Bool ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.list__structure * Refl.Builtins.list__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * unit))))) ]
and cxx_method_binding_kind__arity = [
| `Zero
and cxx_method_binding_kind__structure = [
| `Name of [ `Constr of ([ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref ]
and template_parameter_list__arity = [
| `Zero
and template_parameter_list__structure = [
| `Name of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.list__structure * Refl.Builtins.list__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.option__structure * Refl.Builtins.option__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * unit) ]
and template_parameter__arity = [
| `Zero
and template_parameter__structure = [
| `Name of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) node__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) node__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) node__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ]
and template_parameter_desc__arity = [
| `Zero
and template_parameter_desc__structure = [
| `Name of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `Builtin of [ `String ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Builtin of [ `Bool ] ] ] * unit)) ]
and template_parameter_kind__arity = [
| `Zero
and template_parameter_kind__structure = [
| `Name of [ `Constr of ([ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.option__structure * Refl.Builtins.option__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.option__structure * Refl.Builtins.option__rec_group ] ] * ([ `Builtin of [ `String ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * unit) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * [ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.option__structure * Refl.Builtins.option__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.option__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * unit) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref ]
and translation_unit__arity = [
| `Zero
and translation_unit__structure = [
| `Name of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) node__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) node__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) node__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ]
and translation_unit_desc__arity = [
| `Zero
and translation_unit_desc__structure = [
| `Name of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `Builtin of [ `String ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.list__structure * Refl.Builtins.list__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `Zero of [ `One of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * unit) ]
and decoration__rec_group = ((((((decoration__arity * decoration__structure) Stdcompat.ref * (expr_or_type__arity * expr_or_type__structure) Stdcompat.ref) * ((exception_spec__arity * exception_spec__structure) Stdcompat.ref * (template_parameter__arity * template_parameter__structure) Stdcompat.ref)) * (((expr_requirement__arity * expr_requirement__structure) Stdcompat.ref * (friend_decl__arity * friend_decl__structure) Stdcompat.ref) * (asm_operand__arity * asm_operand__structure) Stdcompat.ref)) * ((((type_desc__arity * type_desc__structure) Stdcompat.ref * (decl_desc__arity * decl_desc__structure) Stdcompat.ref) * ((stmt__arity * stmt__structure) Stdcompat.ref * (translation_unit_desc__arity * translation_unit_desc__structure) Stdcompat.ref)) * (((declaration_name__arity * declaration_name__structure) Stdcompat.ref * (var_decl__arity * var_decl__structure) Stdcompat.ref) * (expr_desc__arity * expr_desc__structure) Stdcompat.ref))) * (((((node__arity * node__structure) Stdcompat.ref * (designator__arity * designator__structure) Stdcompat.ref) * ((parameter__arity * parameter__structure) Stdcompat.ref * (template_parameter_kind__arity * template_parameter_kind__structure) Stdcompat.ref)) * (((nested_name_specifier__arity * nested_name_specifier__structure) Stdcompat.ref * (enum_constant__arity * enum_constant__structure) Stdcompat.ref) * (attribute_desc__arity * attribute_desc__structure) Stdcompat.ref)) * ((((template_argument__arity * template_argument__structure) Stdcompat.ref * (base_specifier__arity * base_specifier__structure) Stdcompat.ref) * (catch__arity * catch__structure) Stdcompat.ref) * (((function_decl__arity * function_decl__structure) Stdcompat.ref * (cxx_method_binding_kind__arity * cxx_method_binding_kind__structure) Stdcompat.ref) * (lambda_capture__arity * lambda_capture__structure) Stdcompat.ref)))) * ((((((opaque_decoration__arity * opaque_decoration__structure) Stdcompat.ref * (string_literal__arity * string_literal__structure) Stdcompat.ref) * ((parameters__arity * parameters__structure) Stdcompat.ref * (template_parameter_desc__arity * template_parameter_desc__structure) Stdcompat.ref)) * (((type_constraint__arity * type_constraint__structure) Stdcompat.ref * (label_ref__arity * label_ref__structure) Stdcompat.ref) * (attribute__arity * attribute__structure) Stdcompat.ref)) * ((((template_name__arity * template_name__structure) Stdcompat.ref * (directive__arity * directive__structure) Stdcompat.ref) * (stmt_desc__arity * stmt_desc__structure) Stdcompat.ref) * (((record_decl__arity * record_decl__structure) Stdcompat.ref * (var_decl_desc__arity * var_decl_desc__structure) Stdcompat.ref) * (field__arity * field__structure) Stdcompat.ref))) * (((((qual_type__arity * qual_type__structure) Stdcompat.ref * (decl__arity * decl__structure) Stdcompat.ref) * ((parameter_desc__arity * parameter_desc__structure) Stdcompat.ref * (translation_unit__arity * translation_unit__structure) Stdcompat.ref)) * (((nested_name_specifier_component__arity * nested_name_specifier_component__structure) Stdcompat.ref * (enum_constant_desc__arity * enum_constant_desc__structure) Stdcompat.ref) * (expr__arity * expr__structure) Stdcompat.ref)) * ((((requirement__arity * requirement__structure) Stdcompat.ref * (ident_ref__arity * ident_ref__structure) Stdcompat.ref) * (asm__arity * asm__structure) Stdcompat.ref) * (((function_type__arity * function_type__structure) Stdcompat.ref * (template_parameter_list__arity * template_parameter_list__structure) Stdcompat.ref) * (cast_kind__arity * cast_kind__structure) Stdcompat.ref))))
and decoration__kinds = [
| `Bool
| `Constr
| `Float
| `Int
| `Lazy
| `Opaque
| `Record
| `String
| `Tuple
| `Variable
and decoration__gadt = Clang__.Clang__bindings.cxcursor * (source_location option * unit)
and opaque_decoration__rec_group = decoration__rec_group
and opaque_decoration__kinds = [
| `Opaque
and opaque_decoration__gadt = decoration * unit
and node__rec_group = decoration__rec_group
and node__kinds = [
| `Lazy
| `Opaque
| `Record
| `Variable
and 'a0 node__gadt = unit
and qual_type__rec_group = decoration__rec_group
and qual_type__kinds = [
| `Bool
| `Constr
| `Float
| `Int
| `Lazy
| `Opaque
| `Record
| `String
| `Tuple
| `Variable
and qual_type__gadt = unit
and type_desc__rec_group = decoration__rec_group
and type_desc__kinds = [
| `Bool
| `Constr
| `Float
| `Int
| `Lazy
| `Opaque
| `Record
| `String
| `Tuple
| `Variable
and type_desc__gadt = unit
and template_name__rec_group = decoration__rec_group
and template_name__kinds = [
| `Constr
| `String
and template_name__gadt = unit
and template_argument__rec_group = decoration__rec_group
and template_argument__kinds = [
| `Bool
| `Constr
| `Float
| `Int
| `Lazy
| `Opaque
| `Record
| `String
| `Tuple
| `Variable
and template_argument__gadt = unit
and requirement__rec_group = decoration__rec_group
and requirement__kinds = [
| `Bool
| `Constr
| `Float
| `Int
| `Lazy
| `Opaque
| `Record
| `String
| `Tuple
| `Variable
and requirement__gadt = unit
and expr_requirement__rec_group = decoration__rec_group
and expr_requirement__kinds = [
| `Bool
| `Constr
| `Float
| `Int
| `Lazy
| `Opaque
| `Record
| `String
| `Tuple
| `Variable
and expr_requirement__gadt = unit
and type_constraint__rec_group = decoration__rec_group
and type_constraint__kinds = [
| `Bool
| `Constr
| `Float
| `Int
| `Lazy
| `Opaque
| `Record
| `String
| `Tuple
| `Variable
and type_constraint__gadt = unit
and nested_name_specifier__rec_group = decoration__rec_group
and nested_name_specifier__kinds = [
| `Bool
| `Constr
| `Float
| `Int
| `Lazy
| `Opaque
| `Record
| `String
| `Tuple
| `Variable
and nested_name_specifier__gadt = unit
and nested_name_specifier_component__rec_group = decoration__rec_group
and nested_name_specifier_component__kinds = [
| `Bool
| `Constr
| `Float
| `Int
| `Lazy
| `Opaque
| `Record
| `String
| `Tuple
| `Variable
and nested_name_specifier_component__gadt = unit
and declaration_name__rec_group = decoration__rec_group
and declaration_name__kinds = [
| `Bool
| `Constr
| `Float
| `Int
| `Lazy
| `Opaque
| `Record
| `String
| `Tuple
| `Variable
and declaration_name__gadt = unit
and record_decl__rec_group = decoration__rec_group
and record_decl__kinds = [
| `Bool
| `Constr
| `Float
| `Int
| `Lazy
| `Opaque
| `Record
| `String
| `Tuple
| `Variable
and record_decl__gadt = unit
and function_decl__rec_group = decoration__rec_group
and function_decl__kinds = [
| `Bool
| `Constr
| `Float
| `Int
| `Lazy
| `Opaque
| `Record
| `String
| `Tuple
| `Variable
and function_decl__gadt = unit
and function_type__rec_group = decoration__rec_group
and function_type__kinds = [
| `Bool
| `Constr
| `Float
| `Int
| `Lazy
| `Opaque
| `Record
| `String
| `Tuple
| `Variable
and function_type__gadt = unit
and exception_spec__rec_group = decoration__rec_group
and exception_spec__kinds = [
| `Bool
| `Constr
| `Float
| `Int
| `Lazy
| `Opaque
| `Record
| `String
| `Tuple
| `Variable
and exception_spec__gadt = unit
and parameters__rec_group = decoration__rec_group
and parameters__kinds = [
| `Bool
| `Constr
| `Float
| `Int
| `Lazy
| `Opaque
| `Record
| `String
| `Tuple
| `Variable
and parameters__gadt = unit
and parameter__rec_group = decoration__rec_group
and parameter__kinds = [
| `Bool
| `Constr
| `Float
| `Int
| `Lazy
| `Opaque
| `Record
| `String
| `Tuple
| `Variable
and parameter__gadt = unit
and parameter_desc__rec_group = decoration__rec_group
and parameter_desc__kinds = [
| `Bool
| `Constr
| `Float
| `Int
| `Lazy
| `Opaque
| `Record
| `String
| `Tuple
| `Variable
and parameter_desc__gadt = unit
and stmt__rec_group = decoration__rec_group
and stmt__kinds = [
| `Bool
| `Constr
| `Float
| `Int
| `Lazy
| `Opaque
| `Record
| `String
| `Tuple
| `Variable
and stmt__gadt = unit
and stmt_desc__rec_group = decoration__rec_group
and stmt_desc__kinds = [
| `Bool
| `Constr
| `Float
| `Int
| `Lazy
| `Opaque
| `Record
| `String
| `Tuple
| `Variable
and stmt_desc__gadt = unit
and catch__rec_group = decoration__rec_group
and catch__kinds = [
| `Bool
| `Constr
| `Float
| `Int
| `Lazy
| `Opaque
| `Record
| `String
| `Tuple
| `Variable
and catch__gadt = unit
and asm__rec_group = decoration__rec_group
and asm__kinds = [
| `Bool
| `Constr
| `Float
| `Int
| `Lazy
| `Opaque
| `Record
| `String
| `Tuple
| `Variable
and asm__gadt = unit
and asm_operand__rec_group = decoration__rec_group
and asm_operand__kinds = [
| `Bool
| `Constr
| `Float
| `Int
| `Lazy
| `Opaque
| `Record
| `String
| `Tuple
| `Variable
and asm_operand__gadt = unit
and attribute__rec_group = decoration__rec_group
and attribute__kinds = [
| `Bool
| `Constr
| `Float
| `Int
| `Lazy
| `Opaque
| `Record
| `String
| `Tuple
| `Variable
and attribute__gadt = unit
and attribute_desc__rec_group = decoration__rec_group
and attribute_desc__kinds = [
| `Bool
| `Constr
| `Float
| `Int
| `Lazy
| `Opaque
| `Record
| `String
| `Tuple
| `Variable
and attribute_desc__gadt = unit
and expr__rec_group = decoration__rec_group
and expr__kinds = [
| `Bool
| `Constr
| `Float
| `Int
| `Lazy
| `Opaque
| `Record
| `String
| `Tuple
| `Variable
and expr__gadt = unit
and expr_desc__rec_group = decoration__rec_group
and expr_desc__kinds = [
| `Bool
| `Constr
| `Float
| `Int
| `Lazy
| `Opaque
| `Record
| `String
| `Tuple
| `Variable
and expr_desc__gadt = unit
and field__rec_group = decoration__rec_group
and field__kinds = [
| `Bool
| `Constr
| `Float
| `Int
| `Lazy
| `Opaque
| `Record
| `String
| `Tuple
| `Variable
and field__gadt = unit
and lambda_capture__rec_group = decoration__rec_group
and lambda_capture__kinds = [
| `Bool
| `Constr
| `Record
| `String
| `Variable
and lambda_capture__gadt = unit
and cast_kind__rec_group = decoration__rec_group
and cast_kind__kinds = [
| `Constr
and cast_kind__gadt = unit
and expr_or_type__rec_group = decoration__rec_group
and expr_or_type__kinds = [
| `Bool
| `Constr
| `Float
| `Int
| `Lazy
| `Opaque
| `Record
| `String
| `Tuple
| `Variable
and expr_or_type__gadt = unit
and string_literal__rec_group = decoration__rec_group
and string_literal__kinds = [
| `Constr
| `Int
| `Record
| `String
and string_literal__gadt = unit
and designator__rec_group = decoration__rec_group
and designator__kinds = [
| `Bool
| `Constr
| `Float
| `Int
| `Lazy
| `Opaque
| `Record
| `String
| `Tuple
| `Variable
and designator__gadt = unit
and decl__rec_group = decoration__rec_group
and decl__kinds = [
| `Bool
| `Constr
| `Float
| `Int
| `Lazy
| `Opaque
| `Record
| `String
| `Tuple
| `Variable
and decl__gadt = unit
and decl_desc__rec_group = decoration__rec_group
and decl_desc__kinds = [
| `Bool
| `Constr
| `Float
| `Int
| `Lazy
| `Opaque
| `Record
| `String
| `Tuple
| `Variable
and decl_desc__gadt = unit
and directive__rec_group = decoration__rec_group
and directive__kinds = [
| `Bool
| `Constr
| `String
and directive__gadt = unit
and base_specifier__rec_group = decoration__rec_group
and base_specifier__kinds = [
| `Bool
| `Constr
| `Float
| `Int
| `Lazy
| `Opaque
| `Record
| `String
| `Tuple
| `Variable
and base_specifier__gadt = unit
and ident_ref__rec_group = decoration__rec_group
and ident_ref__kinds = [
| `Bool
| `Constr
| `Float
| `Int
| `Lazy
| `Opaque
| `Record
| `String
| `Tuple
| `Variable
and ident_ref__gadt = unit
and friend_decl__rec_group = decoration__rec_group
and friend_decl__kinds = [
| `Bool
| `Constr
| `Float
| `Int
| `Lazy
| `Opaque
| `Record
| `String
| `Tuple
| `Variable
and friend_decl__gadt = unit
and label_ref__rec_group = decoration__rec_group
and label_ref__kinds = [
| `String
and label_ref__gadt = unit
and enum_constant__rec_group = decoration__rec_group
and enum_constant__kinds = [
| `Bool
| `Constr
| `Float
| `Int
| `Lazy
| `Opaque
| `Record
| `String
| `Tuple
| `Variable
and enum_constant__gadt = unit
and enum_constant_desc__rec_group = decoration__rec_group
and enum_constant_desc__kinds = [
| `Bool
| `Constr
| `Float
| `Int
| `Lazy
| `Opaque
| `Record
| `String
| `Tuple
| `Variable
and enum_constant_desc__gadt = unit
and var_decl__rec_group = decoration__rec_group
and var_decl__kinds = [
| `Bool
| `Constr
| `Float
| `Int
| `Lazy
| `Opaque
| `Record
| `String
| `Tuple
| `Variable
and var_decl__gadt = unit
and var_decl_desc__rec_group = decoration__rec_group
and var_decl_desc__kinds = [
| `Bool
| `Constr
| `Float
| `Int
| `Lazy
| `Opaque
| `Record
| `String
| `Tuple
| `Variable
and var_decl_desc__gadt = unit
and cxx_method_binding_kind__rec_group = decoration__rec_group
and cxx_method_binding_kind__kinds = [
| `Constr
and cxx_method_binding_kind__gadt = unit
and template_parameter_list__rec_group = decoration__rec_group
and template_parameter_list__kinds = [
| `Bool
| `Constr
| `Float
| `Int
| `Lazy
| `Opaque
| `Record
| `String
| `Tuple
| `Variable
and template_parameter_list__gadt = unit
and template_parameter__rec_group = decoration__rec_group
and template_parameter__kinds = [
| `Bool
| `Constr
| `Float
| `Int
| `Lazy
| `Opaque
| `Record
| `String
| `Tuple
| `Variable
and template_parameter__gadt = unit
and template_parameter_desc__rec_group = decoration__rec_group
and template_parameter_desc__kinds = [
| `Bool
| `Constr
| `Float
| `Int
| `Lazy
| `Opaque
| `Record
| `String
| `Tuple
| `Variable
and template_parameter_desc__gadt = unit
and template_parameter_kind__rec_group = decoration__rec_group
and template_parameter_kind__kinds = [
| `Bool
| `Constr
| `Float
| `Int
| `Lazy
| `Opaque
| `Record
| `String
| `Tuple
| `Variable
and template_parameter_kind__gadt = unit
and translation_unit__rec_group = decoration__rec_group
and translation_unit__kinds = [
| `Bool
| `Constr
| `Float
| `Int
| `Lazy
| `Opaque
| `Record
| `String
| `Tuple
| `Variable
and translation_unit__gadt = unit
and translation_unit_desc__rec_group = decoration__rec_group
and translation_unit_desc__kinds = [
| `Bool
| `Constr
| `Float
| `Int
| `Lazy
| `Opaque
| `Record
| `String
| `Tuple
| `Variable
and translation_unit_desc__gadt = unit
type Refl.refl += Refl_decoration : decoration Refl.refl
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decoration__sub_1 : (decoration__gadtqual_type Refl.Builtins.option__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decoration__sub_0 : (decoration__gadtqual_type__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.refl += Refl_opaque_decoration : opaque_decoration Refl.refl
type Refl.refl += Refl_node : 'a0 node Refl.refl
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Node__sub_1 : ('a0 node__gadt'a LazyNode.t__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Node__sub_0 : ('a0 node__gadtopaque_decoration__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.refl += Refl_qual_type : qual_type Refl.refl
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Qual_type__sub_3 : (qual_type__gadttype_desc LazyNode.t__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Qual_type__sub_2 : (qual_type__gadttype_desc__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Qual_type__sub_1 : (qual_type__gadtopaque_type_loc__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Qual_type__sub_0 : (qual_type__gadtopaque_cxtype__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.refl += Refl_type_desc : type_desc Refl.refl
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Type_desc__sub_31 : (type_desc__gadtqual_type__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Type_desc__sub_30 : (type_desc__gadtqual_type__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Type_desc__sub_29 : (type_desc__gadtnested_name_specifier Refl.Builtins.option__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Type_desc__sub_28 : (type_desc__gadtnested_name_specifier__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Type_desc__sub_27 : (type_desc__gadtelaborated_type_keyword__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Type_desc__sub_26 : (type_desc__gadtident_ref__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Type_desc__sub_25 : (type_desc__gadtexpr Refl.Builtins.option__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Type_desc__sub_24 : (type_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Type_desc__sub_23 : (type_desc__gadtqual_type__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Type_desc__sub_22 : (type_desc__gadtattribute__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Type_desc__sub_21 : (type_desc__gadtqual_type__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Type_desc__sub_20 : (type_desc__gadtqual_type__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Type_desc__sub_19 : (type_desc__gadtqual_type__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Type_desc__sub_18 : (type_desc__gadtqual_type__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Type_desc__sub_17 : (type_desc__gadtfunction_type__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Type_desc__sub_16 : (type_desc__gadttemplate_argument Refl.Builtins.list__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Type_desc__sub_15 : (type_desc__gadttemplate_argument__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Type_desc__sub_14 : (type_desc__gadttemplate_name__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Type_desc__sub_13 : (type_desc__gadtqual_type__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Type_desc__sub_12 : (type_desc__gadtqual_type__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Type_desc__sub_11 : (type_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Type_desc__sub_10 : (type_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Type_desc__sub_9 : (type_desc__gadtqual_type__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Type_desc__sub_8 : (type_desc__gadtident_ref__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Type_desc__sub_7 : (type_desc__gadtbuiltin_type__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Type_desc__sub_6 : (type_desc__gadtqual_type__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Type_desc__sub_5 : (type_desc__gadtqual_type__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Type_desc__sub_4 : (type_desc__gadtqual_type__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Type_desc__sub_3 : (type_desc__gadtqual_type__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Type_desc__sub_2 : (type_desc__gadtClang__.Clang__bindings.clang_ext_typekind__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Type_desc__sub_1 : (type_desc__gadtident_ref__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Type_desc__sub_0 : (type_desc__gadtqual_type__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.refl += Refl_template_name : template_name Refl.refl
type Refl.refl += Refl_template_argument : template_argument Refl.refl
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Template_argument__sub_10 : (template_argument__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Template_argument__sub_9 : (template_argument__gadttemplate_name__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Template_argument__sub_8 : (template_argument__gadtqual_type__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Template_argument__sub_7 : (template_argument__gadtinteger_literal__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Template_argument__sub_6 : (template_argument__gadtdecl__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Template_argument__sub_5 : (template_argument__gadtqual_type__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Template_argument__sub_4 : (template_argument__gadtqual_type__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Template_argument__sub_3 : (template_argument__gadttemplate_name__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Template_argument__sub_2 : (template_argument__gadttemplate_argument Refl.Builtins.list__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Template_argument__sub_1 : (template_argument__gadttemplate_argument__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Template_argument__sub_0 : (template_argument__gadtqual_type__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.refl += Refl_requirement : requirement Refl.refl
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Requirement__sub_3 : (requirement__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Requirement__sub_2 : (requirement__gadtexpr_requirement__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Requirement__sub_1 : (requirement__gadtexpr_requirement__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Requirement__sub_0 : (requirement__gadtqual_type__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.refl += Refl_expr_requirement : expr_requirement Refl.refl
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_requirement__sub_2 : (expr_requirement__gadttype_constraint Refl.Builtins.option__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_requirement__sub_1 : (expr_requirement__gadttype_constraint__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_requirement__sub_0 : (expr_requirement__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.refl += Refl_type_constraint : type_constraint Refl.refl
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Type_constraint__sub_1 : (type_constraint__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Type_constraint__sub_0 : (type_constraint__gadttemplate_parameter_list__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.refl += Refl_nested_name_specifier : nested_name_specifier Refl.refl
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Nested_name_specifier__sub_1 : (nested_name_specifier__gadtnested_name_specifier_component Refl.Builtins.list__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Nested_name_specifier__sub_0 : (nested_name_specifier__gadtnested_name_specifier_component__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.refl += Refl_nested_name_specifier_component : nested_name_specifier_component Refl.refl
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Nested_name_specifier_component__sub_1 : (nested_name_specifier_component__gadtqual_type__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Nested_name_specifier_component__sub_0 : (nested_name_specifier_component__gadtqual_type__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.refl += Refl_declaration_name : declaration_name Refl.refl
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Declaration_name__sub_4 : (declaration_name__gadtqual_type__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Declaration_name__sub_3 : (declaration_name__gadtoverloaded_operator_kind__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Declaration_name__sub_2 : (declaration_name__gadtqual_type__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Declaration_name__sub_1 : (declaration_name__gadtqual_type__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Declaration_name__sub_0 : (declaration_name__gadtdecl__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.refl += Refl_record_decl : record_decl Refl.refl
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Record_decl__sub_8 : (record_decl__gadtdecl Refl.Builtins.list__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Record_decl__sub_7 : (record_decl__gadtdecl__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Record_decl__sub_6 : (record_decl__gadtbase_specifier Refl.Builtins.list__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Record_decl__sub_5 : (record_decl__gadtbase_specifier__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Record_decl__sub_4 : (record_decl__gadtnested_name_specifier Refl.Builtins.option__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Record_decl__sub_3 : (record_decl__gadtnested_name_specifier__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Record_decl__sub_2 : (record_decl__gadtattribute Refl.Builtins.list__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Record_decl__sub_1 : (record_decl__gadtattribute__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Record_decl__sub_0 : (record_decl__gadtelaborated_type_keyword__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.refl += Refl_function_decl : function_decl Refl.refl
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Function_decl__sub_8 : (function_decl__gadtattribute Refl.Builtins.list__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Function_decl__sub_7 : (function_decl__gadtattribute__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Function_decl__sub_6 : (function_decl__gadtstmt Refl.Builtins.option__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Function_decl__sub_5 : (function_decl__gadtstmt__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Function_decl__sub_4 : (function_decl__gadtdeclaration_name__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Function_decl__sub_3 : (function_decl__gadtnested_name_specifier Refl.Builtins.option__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Function_decl__sub_2 : (function_decl__gadtnested_name_specifier__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Function_decl__sub_1 : (function_decl__gadtfunction_type__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Function_decl__sub_0 : (function_decl__gadtlinkage_kind__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.refl += Refl_function_type : function_type Refl.refl
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Function_type__sub_6 : (function_type__gadtClang__.Clang__bindings.cxrefqualifierkind__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Function_type__sub_5 : (function_type__gadtexception_spec Refl.Builtins.option__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Function_type__sub_4 : (function_type__gadtexception_spec__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Function_type__sub_3 : (function_type__gadtparameters Refl.Builtins.option__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Function_type__sub_2 : (function_type__gadtparameters__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Function_type__sub_1 : (function_type__gadtqual_type__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Function_type__sub_0 : (function_type__gadtcalling_conv__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.refl += Refl_exception_spec : exception_spec Refl.refl
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Exception_spec__sub_5 : (exception_spec__gadtqual_type Refl.Builtins.list__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Exception_spec__sub_4 : (exception_spec__gadtqual_type__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Exception_spec__sub_3 : (exception_spec__gadtexception_specification_type__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Exception_spec__sub_2 : (exception_spec__gadtbool Refl.Builtins.option__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Exception_spec__sub_1 : (exception_spec__gadtexpr Refl.Builtins.option__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Exception_spec__sub_0 : (exception_spec__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.refl += Refl_parameters : parameters Refl.refl
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Parameters__sub_1 : (parameters__gadtparameter Refl.Builtins.list__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Parameters__sub_0 : (parameters__gadtparameter__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.refl += Refl_parameter : parameter Refl.refl
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Parameter__sub_1 : (parameter__gadtparameter_desc node__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Parameter__sub_0 : (parameter__gadtparameter_desc__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.refl += Refl_parameter_desc : parameter_desc Refl.refl
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Parameter_desc__sub_2 : (parameter_desc__gadtexpr Refl.Builtins.option__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Parameter_desc__sub_1 : (parameter_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Parameter_desc__sub_0 : (parameter_desc__gadtqual_type__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.refl += Refl_stmt : stmt Refl.refl
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt__sub_1 : (stmt__gadtstmt_desc node__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt__sub_0 : (stmt__gadtstmt_desc__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.refl += Refl_stmt_desc : stmt_desc Refl.refl
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt_desc__sub_57 : (stmt_desc__gadtasm__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt_desc__sub_56 : (stmt_desc__gadtstmt__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt_desc__sub_55 : (stmt_desc__gadtlabel_ref__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt_desc__sub_54 : (stmt_desc__gadtcatch Refl.Builtins.list__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt_desc__sub_53 : (stmt_desc__gadtcatch__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt_desc__sub_52 : (stmt_desc__gadtstmt__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt_desc__sub_51 : (stmt_desc__gadtstmt__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt_desc__sub_50 : (stmt_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt_desc__sub_49 : (stmt_desc__gadtvar_decl__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt_desc__sub_48 : (stmt_desc__gadtClang__.Clang__bindings.clang_ext_stmtkind__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt_desc__sub_47 : (stmt_desc__gadtClang__.Clang__bindings.cxcursorkind__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt_desc__sub_46 : (stmt_desc__gadtstmt__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt_desc__sub_45 : (stmt_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt_desc__sub_44 : (stmt_desc__gadtvar_decl Refl.Builtins.option__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt_desc__sub_43 : (stmt_desc__gadtvar_decl__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt_desc__sub_42 : (stmt_desc__gadtstmt Refl.Builtins.option__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt_desc__sub_41 : (stmt_desc__gadtstmt__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt_desc__sub_40 : (stmt_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt_desc__sub_39 : (stmt_desc__gadtstmt__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt_desc__sub_38 : (stmt_desc__gadtdecl Refl.Builtins.list__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt_desc__sub_37 : (stmt_desc__gadtdecl__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt_desc__sub_36 : (stmt_desc__gadtstmt Refl.Builtins.list__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt_desc__sub_35 : (stmt_desc__gadtstmt__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt_desc__sub_34 : (stmt_desc__gadtstmt__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt_desc__sub_33 : (stmt_desc__gadtexpr Refl.Builtins.option__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt_desc__sub_32 : (stmt_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt_desc__sub_31 : (stmt_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt_desc__sub_30 : (stmt_desc__gadtstmt__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt_desc__sub_29 : (stmt_desc__gadtlabel_ref__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt_desc__sub_28 : (stmt_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt_desc__sub_27 : (stmt_desc__gadtstmt__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt_desc__sub_26 : (stmt_desc__gadtstmt Refl.Builtins.option__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt_desc__sub_25 : (stmt_desc__gadtstmt__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt_desc__sub_24 : (stmt_desc__gadtexpr Refl.Builtins.option__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt_desc__sub_23 : (stmt_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt_desc__sub_22 : (stmt_desc__gadtvar_decl Refl.Builtins.option__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt_desc__sub_21 : (stmt_desc__gadtvar_decl__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt_desc__sub_20 : (stmt_desc__gadtstmt Refl.Builtins.option__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt_desc__sub_19 : (stmt_desc__gadtstmt__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt_desc__sub_18 : (stmt_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt_desc__sub_17 : (stmt_desc__gadtstmt Refl.Builtins.list__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt_desc__sub_16 : (stmt_desc__gadtstmt__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt_desc__sub_15 : (stmt_desc__gadtattribute Refl.Builtins.list__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt_desc__sub_14 : (stmt_desc__gadtattribute__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt_desc__sub_13 : (stmt_desc__gadtstmt Refl.Builtins.option__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt_desc__sub_12 : (stmt_desc__gadtstmt__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt_desc__sub_11 : (stmt_desc__gadtstmt__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt_desc__sub_10 : (stmt_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt_desc__sub_9 : (stmt_desc__gadtvar_decl Refl.Builtins.option__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt_desc__sub_8 : (stmt_desc__gadtvar_decl__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt_desc__sub_7 : (stmt_desc__gadtstmt Refl.Builtins.option__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt_desc__sub_6 : (stmt_desc__gadtstmt__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt_desc__sub_5 : (stmt_desc__gadtstmt__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt_desc__sub_4 : (stmt_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt_desc__sub_3 : (stmt_desc__gadtvar_decl Refl.Builtins.option__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt_desc__sub_2 : (stmt_desc__gadtvar_decl__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt_desc__sub_1 : (stmt_desc__gadtexpr Refl.Builtins.option__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Stmt_desc__sub_0 : (stmt_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.refl += Refl_catch : catch Refl.refl
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Catch__sub_2 : (catch__gadtstmt__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Catch__sub_1 : (catch__gadt(string * qual_type) Refl.Builtins.option__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Catch__sub_0 : (catch__gadtqual_type__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.refl += Refl_asm : asm Refl.refl
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Asm__sub_4 : (asm__gadtasm_operand Refl.Builtins.list__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Asm__sub_3 : (asm__gadtasm_operand__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Asm__sub_2 : (asm__gadtasm_operand Refl.Builtins.list__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Asm__sub_1 : (asm__gadtasm_operand__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Asm__sub_0 : (asm__gadtasm_compiler_extension__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.refl += Refl_asm_operand : asm_operand Refl.refl
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Asm_operand__sub_0 : (asm_operand__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.refl += Refl_attribute : attribute Refl.refl
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Attribute__sub_1 : (attribute__gadtattribute_desc node__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Attribute__sub_0 : (attribute__gadtattribute_desc__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.refl += Refl_attribute_desc : attribute_desc Refl.refl
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Attribute_desc__sub_3 : (attribute_desc__gadt(exprqual_typedeclaration_name) Clang__.Attributes.t__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Attribute_desc__sub_2 : (attribute_desc__gadtdeclaration_name__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Attribute_desc__sub_1 : (attribute_desc__gadtqual_type__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Attribute_desc__sub_0 : (attribute_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.refl += Refl_expr : expr Refl.refl
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr__sub_1 : (expr__gadtexpr_desc node__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr__sub_0 : (expr__gadtexpr_desc__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.refl += Refl_expr_desc : expr_desc Refl.refl
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_96 : (expr_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_95 : (expr_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_94 : (expr_desc__gadtdesignator Refl.Builtins.list__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_93 : (expr_desc__gadtdesignator__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_92 : (expr_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_91 : (expr_desc__gadtexpr Refl.Builtins.list__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_90 : (expr_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_89 : (expr_desc__gadtqual_type__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_88 : (expr_desc__gadtexpr Refl.Builtins.list__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_87 : (expr_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_86 : (expr_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_85 : (expr_desc__gadtunary_operator_kind__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_84 : (expr_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_83 : (expr_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_82 : (expr_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_81 : (expr_desc__gadtqual_type__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_80 : (expr_desc__gadtcast_kind__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_79 : (expr_desc__gadtexpr_or_type__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_78 : (expr_desc__gadtunary_expr_kind__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_77 : (expr_desc__gadtexpr Refl.Builtins.list__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_76 : (expr_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_75 : (expr_desc__gadtqual_type__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_74 : (expr_desc__gadtcharacter_kind__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_73 : (expr_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_72 : (expr_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_71 : (expr_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_70 : (expr_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_69 : (expr_desc__gadtpredefined_identifier_kind__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_68 : (expr_desc__gadtident_ref__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_67 : (expr_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_66 : (expr_desc__gadtClang__.Clang__bindings.clang_ext_stmtkind__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_65 : (expr_desc__gadtident_ref__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_64 : (expr_desc__gadtClang__.Clang__bindings.clang_ext_stmtkind__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_63 : (expr_desc__gadtClang__.Clang__bindings.cxcursorkind__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_62 : (expr_desc__gadtexpr Refl.Builtins.list__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_61 : (expr_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_60 : (expr_desc__gadtident_ref__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_59 : (expr_desc__gadtfloating_literal__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_58 : (expr_desc__gadtexpr_or_type__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_57 : (expr_desc__gadtqual_type__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_56 : (expr_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_55 : (expr_desc__gadtexpr Refl.Builtins.option__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_54 : (expr_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_53 : (expr_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_52 : (expr_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_51 : (expr_desc__gadtident_ref__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_50 : (expr_desc__gadtstmt__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_49 : (expr_desc__gadtqual_type Refl.Builtins.option__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_48 : (expr_desc__gadtqual_type__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_47 : (expr_desc__gadtparameter list Refl.Builtins.option__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_46 : (expr_desc__gadtparameter Refl.Builtins.list__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_45 : (expr_desc__gadtparameter__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_44 : (expr_desc__gadtlambda_capture Refl.Builtins.list__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_43 : (expr_desc__gadtlambda_capture__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_42 : (expr_desc__gadtlambda_capture_default__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_41 : (expr_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_40 : (expr_desc__gadtexpr Refl.Builtins.list__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_39 : (expr_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_38 : (expr_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_37 : (expr_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_36 : (expr_desc__gadtqual_type__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_35 : (expr_desc__gadtexpr Refl.Builtins.list__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_34 : (expr_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_33 : (expr_desc__gadtqual_type__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_32 : (expr_desc__gadtstring_literal__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_31 : (expr_desc__gadtexpr Refl.Builtins.option__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_30 : (expr_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_29 : (expr_desc__gadtexpr Refl.Builtins.option__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_28 : (expr_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_27 : (expr_desc__gadtqual_type__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_26 : (expr_desc__gadtexpr Refl.Builtins.list__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_25 : (expr_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_24 : (expr_desc__gadtfield__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_23 : (expr_desc__gadtexpr Refl.Builtins.option__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_22 : (expr_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_21 : (expr_desc__gadt(qual_type option * expr) Refl.Builtins.list__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_20 : (expr_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_19 : (expr_desc__gadtqual_type Refl.Builtins.option__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_18 : (expr_desc__gadtqual_type__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_17 : (expr_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_16 : (expr_desc__gadtexpr Refl.Builtins.option__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_15 : (expr_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_14 : (expr_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_13 : (expr_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_12 : (expr_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_11 : (expr_desc__gadtbinary_operator_kind__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_10 : (expr_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_9 : (expr_desc__gadtrequirement Refl.Builtins.list__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_8 : (expr_desc__gadtrequirement__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_7 : (expr_desc__gadtparameter Refl.Builtins.list__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_6 : (expr_desc__gadtparameter__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_5 : (expr_desc__gadtexpr Refl.Builtins.option__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_4 : (expr_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_3 : (expr_desc__gadtbinary_operator_kind__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_2 : (expr_desc__gadtexpr Refl.Builtins.option__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_1 : (expr_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_desc__sub_0 : (expr_desc__gadtinteger_literal__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.refl += Refl_field : field Refl.refl
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Field__sub_8 : (field__gadtident_ref__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Field__sub_7 : (field__gadtqual_type__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Field__sub_6 : (field__gadtnested_name_specifier Refl.Builtins.option__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Field__sub_5 : (field__gadtnested_name_specifier__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Field__sub_4 : (field__gadttemplate_argument Refl.Builtins.list__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Field__sub_3 : (field__gadttemplate_argument__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Field__sub_2 : (field__gadtident_ref__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Field__sub_1 : (field__gadtident_ref node__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Field__sub_0 : (field__gadtident_ref__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.refl += Refl_lambda_capture : lambda_capture Refl.refl
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Lambda_capture__sub_1 : (lambda_capture__gadtstring Refl.Builtins.option__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Lambda_capture__sub_0 : (lambda_capture__gadtlambda_capture_kind__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.refl += Refl_cast_kind : cast_kind Refl.refl
type Refl.refl += Refl_expr_or_type : expr_or_type Refl.refl
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_or_type__sub_1 : (expr_or_type__gadtqual_type__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Expr_or_type__sub_0 : (expr_or_type__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.refl += Refl_string_literal : string_literal Refl.refl
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += String_literal__sub_0 : (string_literal__gadtstring_kind__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.refl += Refl_designator : designator Refl.refl
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Designator__sub_2 : (designator__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Designator__sub_1 : (designator__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Designator__sub_0 : (designator__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.refl += Refl_decl : decl Refl.refl
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl__sub_1 : (decl__gadtdecl_desc node__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl__sub_0 : (decl__gadtdecl_desc__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.refl += Refl_decl_desc : decl_desc Refl.refl
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_62 : (decl_desc__gadtdecl Refl.Builtins.list__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_61 : (decl_desc__gadtdecl__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_60 : (decl_desc__gadtClang__.Clang__types.language__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_59 : (decl_desc__gadtexpr Refl.Builtins.option__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_58 : (decl_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_57 : (decl_desc__gadtdeclaration_name Refl.Builtins.list__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_56 : (decl_desc__gadtdeclaration_name__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_55 : (decl_desc__gadtqual_type__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_54 : (decl_desc__gadtdecl__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_53 : (decl_desc__gadtnested_name_specifier Refl.Builtins.option__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_52 : (decl_desc__gadtnested_name_specifier__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_51 : (decl_desc__gadtcxx_method_binding_kind__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_50 : (decl_desc__gadtqual_type__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_49 : (decl_desc__gadtfunction_decl__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_48 : (decl_desc__gadtstmt Refl.Builtins.option__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_47 : (decl_desc__gadtstmt__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_46 : (decl_desc__gadt(string * expr) Refl.Builtins.list__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_45 : (decl_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_44 : (decl_desc__gadtparameters__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_43 : (decl_desc__gadtexpr Refl.Builtins.option__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_42 : (decl_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_41 : (decl_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_40 : (decl_desc__gadtattribute Refl.Builtins.list__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_39 : (decl_desc__gadtattribute__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_38 : (decl_desc__gadtenum_constant Refl.Builtins.list__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_37 : (decl_desc__gadtenum_constant__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_36 : (decl_desc__gadtdecl Refl.Builtins.list__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_35 : (decl_desc__gadtdecl__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_34 : (decl_desc__gadtcxx_access_specifier__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_33 : (decl_desc__gadtfriend_decl__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_32 : (decl_desc__gadtfunction_decl__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_31 : (decl_desc__gadtexception_spec Refl.Builtins.option__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_30 : (decl_desc__gadtexception_spec__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_29 : (decl_desc__gadtstmt Refl.Builtins.option__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_28 : (decl_desc__gadtstmt__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_27 : (decl_desc__gadtqual_type__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_26 : (decl_desc__gadtident_ref__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_25 : (decl_desc__gadtrecord_decl__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_24 : (decl_desc__gadtClang__.Clang__bindings.clang_ext_declkind__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_23 : (decl_desc__gadtClang__.Clang__bindings.cxcursorkind__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_22 : (decl_desc__gadtdecl Refl.Builtins.list__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_21 : (decl_desc__gadtdecl__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_20 : (decl_desc__gadtident_ref__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_19 : (decl_desc__gadtident_ref__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_18 : (decl_desc__gadtdecl__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_17 : (decl_desc__gadttemplate_argument Refl.Builtins.list__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_16 : (decl_desc__gadttemplate_argument__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_15 : (decl_desc__gadttemplate_parameter_list__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_14 : (decl_desc__gadtident_ref__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_13 : (decl_desc__gadtdirective__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_12 : (decl_desc__gadtvar_decl_desc__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_11 : (decl_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_10 : (decl_desc__gadtdeclaration_name__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_9 : (decl_desc__gadttemplate_parameter_list__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_8 : (decl_desc__gadtattribute Refl.Builtins.list__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_7 : (decl_desc__gadtattribute__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_6 : (decl_desc__gadtexpr Refl.Builtins.option__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_5 : (decl_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_4 : (decl_desc__gadtexpr Refl.Builtins.option__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_3 : (decl_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_2 : (decl_desc__gadtqual_type__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_1 : (decl_desc__gadtdecl__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Decl_desc__sub_0 : (decl_desc__gadttemplate_parameter_list__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.refl += Refl_directive : directive Refl.refl
type Refl.refl += Refl_base_specifier : base_specifier Refl.refl
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Base_specifier__sub_1 : (base_specifier__gadtcxx_access_specifier__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Base_specifier__sub_0 : (base_specifier__gadtqual_type__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.refl += Refl_ident_ref : ident_ref Refl.refl
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Ident_ref__sub_4 : (ident_ref__gadttemplate_argument Refl.Builtins.list__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Ident_ref__sub_3 : (ident_ref__gadttemplate_argument__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Ident_ref__sub_2 : (ident_ref__gadtdeclaration_name__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Ident_ref__sub_1 : (ident_ref__gadtnested_name_specifier Refl.Builtins.option__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Ident_ref__sub_0 : (ident_ref__gadtnested_name_specifier__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.refl += Refl_friend_decl : friend_decl Refl.refl
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Friend_decl__sub_1 : (friend_decl__gadtqual_type__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Friend_decl__sub_0 : (friend_decl__gadtdecl__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.refl += Refl_label_ref : label_ref Refl.refl
type Refl.refl += Refl_enum_constant : enum_constant Refl.refl
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Enum_constant__sub_1 : (enum_constant__gadtenum_constant_desc node__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Enum_constant__sub_0 : (enum_constant__gadtenum_constant_desc__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.refl += Refl_enum_constant_desc : enum_constant_desc Refl.refl
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Enum_constant_desc__sub_1 : (enum_constant_desc__gadtexpr Refl.Builtins.option__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Enum_constant_desc__sub_0 : (enum_constant_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.refl += Refl_var_decl : var_decl Refl.refl
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Var_decl__sub_1 : (var_decl__gadtvar_decl_desc node__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Var_decl__sub_0 : (var_decl__gadtvar_decl_desc__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.refl += Refl_var_decl_desc : var_decl_desc Refl.refl
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Var_decl_desc__sub_5 : (var_decl_desc__gadtattribute Refl.Builtins.list__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Var_decl_desc__sub_4 : (var_decl_desc__gadtattribute__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Var_decl_desc__sub_3 : (var_decl_desc__gadtexpr Refl.Builtins.option__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Var_decl_desc__sub_2 : (var_decl_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Var_decl_desc__sub_1 : (var_decl_desc__gadtqual_type__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Var_decl_desc__sub_0 : (var_decl_desc__gadtlinkage_kind__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.refl += Refl_cxx_method_binding_kind : cxx_method_binding_kind Refl.refl
type Refl.refl += Refl_template_parameter_list : template_parameter_list Refl.refl
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Template_parameter_list__sub_3 : (template_parameter_list__gadtexpr Refl.Builtins.option__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Template_parameter_list__sub_2 : (template_parameter_list__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Template_parameter_list__sub_1 : (template_parameter_list__gadttemplate_parameter Refl.Builtins.list__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Template_parameter_list__sub_0 : (template_parameter_list__gadttemplate_parameter__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.refl += Refl_template_parameter : template_parameter Refl.refl
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Template_parameter__sub_1 : (template_parameter__gadttemplate_parameter_desc node__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Template_parameter__sub_0 : (template_parameter__gadttemplate_parameter_desc__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.refl += Refl_template_parameter_desc : template_parameter_desc Refl.refl
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Template_parameter_desc__sub_0 : (template_parameter_desc__gadttemplate_parameter_kind__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.refl += Refl_template_parameter_kind : template_parameter_kind Refl.refl
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Template_parameter_kind__sub_6 : (template_parameter_kind__gadtexpr Refl.Builtins.option__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Template_parameter_kind__sub_5 : (template_parameter_kind__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Template_parameter_kind__sub_4 : (template_parameter_kind__gadtqual_type__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Template_parameter_kind__sub_3 : (template_parameter_kind__gadtstring Refl.Builtins.option__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Template_parameter_kind__sub_2 : (template_parameter_kind__gadttemplate_parameter_list__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Template_parameter_kind__sub_1 : (template_parameter_kind__gadtqual_type Refl.Builtins.option__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Template_parameter_kind__sub_0 : (template_parameter_kind__gadtqual_type__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.refl += Refl_translation_unit : translation_unit Refl.refl
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Translation_unit__sub_1 : (translation_unit__gadttranslation_unit_desc node__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Translation_unit__sub_0 : (translation_unit__gadttranslation_unit_desc__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.refl += Refl_translation_unit_desc : translation_unit_desc Refl.refl
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Translation_unit_desc__sub_1 : (translation_unit_desc__gadtdecl Refl.Builtins.list__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Translation_unit_desc__sub_0 : (translation_unit_desc__gadtdecl__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
val decoration_refl : (decorationdecoration__structure, unit, decoration__rec_group[> template_parameter_kind__kinds ], unit, unit, unit, decoration__gadt) Refl.desc
val opaque_decoration_refl : (opaque_decorationopaque_decoration__structure, unit, opaque_decoration__rec_group[> template_parameter_kind__kinds ], unit, unit, unit, opaque_decoration__gadt) Refl.desc
val node_refl : ('a0 nodenode__structure'a0 * unit, node__rec_group[> template_parameter_kind__kinds ]([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) node__variable_positive0 * unit, ([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) node__variable_negative0 * unit, ([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) node__variable_direct0 * unit, 'a0 node__gadt) Refl.desc
val qual_type_refl : (qual_typequal_type__structure, unit, qual_type__rec_group[> template_parameter_kind__kinds ], unit, unit, unit, qual_type__gadt) Refl.desc
val type_desc_refl : (type_desctype_desc__structure, unit, type_desc__rec_group[> template_parameter_kind__kinds ], unit, unit, unit, type_desc__gadt) Refl.desc
val template_name_refl : (template_nametemplate_name__structure, unit, template_name__rec_group[> template_parameter_kind__kinds ], unit, unit, unit, template_name__gadt) Refl.desc
val template_argument_refl : (template_argumenttemplate_argument__structure, unit, template_argument__rec_group[> template_parameter_kind__kinds ], unit, unit, unit, template_argument__gadt) Refl.desc
val requirement_refl : (requirementrequirement__structure, unit, requirement__rec_group[> template_parameter_kind__kinds ], unit, unit, unit, requirement__gadt) Refl.desc
val expr_requirement_refl : (expr_requirementexpr_requirement__structure, unit, expr_requirement__rec_group[> template_parameter_kind__kinds ], unit, unit, unit, expr_requirement__gadt) Refl.desc
val type_constraint_refl : (type_constrainttype_constraint__structure, unit, type_constraint__rec_group[> template_parameter_kind__kinds ], unit, unit, unit, type_constraint__gadt) Refl.desc
val nested_name_specifier_refl : (nested_name_specifiernested_name_specifier__structure, unit, nested_name_specifier__rec_group[> template_parameter_kind__kinds ], unit, unit, unit, nested_name_specifier__gadt) Refl.desc
val nested_name_specifier_component_refl : (nested_name_specifier_componentnested_name_specifier_component__structure, unit, nested_name_specifier_component__rec_group[> template_parameter_kind__kinds ], unit, unit, unit, nested_name_specifier_component__gadt) Refl.desc
val declaration_name_refl : (declaration_namedeclaration_name__structure, unit, declaration_name__rec_group[> template_parameter_kind__kinds ], unit, unit, unit, declaration_name__gadt) Refl.desc
val record_decl_refl : (record_declrecord_decl__structure, unit, record_decl__rec_group[> template_parameter_kind__kinds ], unit, unit, unit, record_decl__gadt) Refl.desc
val function_decl_refl : (function_declfunction_decl__structure, unit, function_decl__rec_group[> template_parameter_kind__kinds ], unit, unit, unit, function_decl__gadt) Refl.desc
val function_type_refl : (function_typefunction_type__structure, unit, function_type__rec_group[> template_parameter_kind__kinds ], unit, unit, unit, function_type__gadt) Refl.desc
val exception_spec_refl : (exception_specexception_spec__structure, unit, exception_spec__rec_group[> template_parameter_kind__kinds ], unit, unit, unit, exception_spec__gadt) Refl.desc
val parameters_refl : (parametersparameters__structure, unit, parameters__rec_group[> template_parameter_kind__kinds ], unit, unit, unit, parameters__gadt) Refl.desc
val parameter_refl : (parameterparameter__structure, unit, parameter__rec_group[> template_parameter_kind__kinds ], unit, unit, unit, parameter__gadt) Refl.desc
val parameter_desc_refl : (parameter_descparameter_desc__structure, unit, parameter_desc__rec_group[> template_parameter_kind__kinds ], unit, unit, unit, parameter_desc__gadt) Refl.desc
val stmt_refl : (stmtstmt__structure, unit, stmt__rec_group[> template_parameter_kind__kinds ], unit, unit, unit, stmt__gadt) Refl.desc
val stmt_desc_refl : (stmt_descstmt_desc__structure, unit, stmt_desc__rec_group[> template_parameter_kind__kinds ], unit, unit, unit, stmt_desc__gadt) Refl.desc
val catch_refl : (catchcatch__structure, unit, catch__rec_group[> template_parameter_kind__kinds ], unit, unit, unit, catch__gadt) Refl.desc
val asm_refl : (asmasm__structure, unit, asm__rec_group[> template_parameter_kind__kinds ], unit, unit, unit, asm__gadt) Refl.desc
val asm_operand_refl : (asm_operandasm_operand__structure, unit, asm_operand__rec_group[> template_parameter_kind__kinds ], unit, unit, unit, asm_operand__gadt) Refl.desc
val attribute_refl : (attributeattribute__structure, unit, attribute__rec_group[> template_parameter_kind__kinds ], unit, unit, unit, attribute__gadt) Refl.desc
val attribute_desc_refl : (attribute_descattribute_desc__structure, unit, attribute_desc__rec_group[> template_parameter_kind__kinds ], unit, unit, unit, attribute_desc__gadt) Refl.desc
val expr_refl : (exprexpr__structure, unit, expr__rec_group[> template_parameter_kind__kinds ], unit, unit, unit, expr__gadt) Refl.desc
val expr_desc_refl : (expr_descexpr_desc__structure, unit, expr_desc__rec_group[> template_parameter_kind__kinds ], unit, unit, unit, expr_desc__gadt) Refl.desc
val field_refl : (fieldfield__structure, unit, field__rec_group[> template_parameter_kind__kinds ], unit, unit, unit, field__gadt) Refl.desc
val lambda_capture_refl : (lambda_capturelambda_capture__structure, unit, lambda_capture__rec_group[> template_parameter_kind__kinds ], unit, unit, unit, lambda_capture__gadt) Refl.desc
val cast_kind_refl : (cast_kindcast_kind__structure, unit, cast_kind__rec_group[> template_parameter_kind__kinds ], unit, unit, unit, cast_kind__gadt) Refl.desc
val expr_or_type_refl : (expr_or_typeexpr_or_type__structure, unit, expr_or_type__rec_group[> template_parameter_kind__kinds ], unit, unit, unit, expr_or_type__gadt) Refl.desc
val string_literal_refl : (string_literalstring_literal__structure, unit, string_literal__rec_group[> template_parameter_kind__kinds ], unit, unit, unit, string_literal__gadt) Refl.desc
val designator_refl : (designatordesignator__structure, unit, designator__rec_group[> template_parameter_kind__kinds ], unit, unit, unit, designator__gadt) Refl.desc
val decl_refl : (decldecl__structure, unit, decl__rec_group[> template_parameter_kind__kinds ], unit, unit, unit, decl__gadt) Refl.desc
val decl_desc_refl : (decl_descdecl_desc__structure, unit, decl_desc__rec_group[> template_parameter_kind__kinds ], unit, unit, unit, decl_desc__gadt) Refl.desc
val directive_refl : (directivedirective__structure, unit, directive__rec_group[> template_parameter_kind__kinds ], unit, unit, unit, directive__gadt) Refl.desc
val base_specifier_refl : (base_specifierbase_specifier__structure, unit, base_specifier__rec_group[> template_parameter_kind__kinds ], unit, unit, unit, base_specifier__gadt) Refl.desc
val ident_ref_refl : (ident_refident_ref__structure, unit, ident_ref__rec_group[> template_parameter_kind__kinds ], unit, unit, unit, ident_ref__gadt) Refl.desc
val friend_decl_refl : (friend_declfriend_decl__structure, unit, friend_decl__rec_group[> template_parameter_kind__kinds ], unit, unit, unit, friend_decl__gadt) Refl.desc
val label_ref_refl : (label_reflabel_ref__structure, unit, label_ref__rec_group[> template_parameter_kind__kinds ], unit, unit, unit, label_ref__gadt) Refl.desc
val enum_constant_refl : (enum_constantenum_constant__structure, unit, enum_constant__rec_group[> template_parameter_kind__kinds ], unit, unit, unit, enum_constant__gadt) Refl.desc
val enum_constant_desc_refl : (enum_constant_descenum_constant_desc__structure, unit, enum_constant_desc__rec_group[> template_parameter_kind__kinds ], unit, unit, unit, enum_constant_desc__gadt) Refl.desc
val var_decl_refl : (var_declvar_decl__structure, unit, var_decl__rec_group[> template_parameter_kind__kinds ], unit, unit, unit, var_decl__gadt) Refl.desc
val var_decl_desc_refl : (var_decl_descvar_decl_desc__structure, unit, var_decl_desc__rec_group[> template_parameter_kind__kinds ], unit, unit, unit, var_decl_desc__gadt) Refl.desc
val cxx_method_binding_kind_refl : (cxx_method_binding_kindcxx_method_binding_kind__structure, unit, cxx_method_binding_kind__rec_group[> template_parameter_kind__kinds ], unit, unit, unit, cxx_method_binding_kind__gadt) Refl.desc
val template_parameter_list_refl : (template_parameter_listtemplate_parameter_list__structure, unit, template_parameter_list__rec_group[> template_parameter_kind__kinds ], unit, unit, unit, template_parameter_list__gadt) Refl.desc
val template_parameter_refl : (template_parametertemplate_parameter__structure, unit, template_parameter__rec_group[> template_parameter_kind__kinds ], unit, unit, unit, template_parameter__gadt) Refl.desc
val template_parameter_desc_refl : (template_parameter_desctemplate_parameter_desc__structure, unit, template_parameter_desc__rec_group[> template_parameter_kind__kinds ], unit, unit, unit, template_parameter_desc__gadt) Refl.desc
val template_parameter_kind_refl : (template_parameter_kindtemplate_parameter_kind__structure, unit, template_parameter_kind__rec_group[> template_parameter_kind__kinds ], unit, unit, unit, template_parameter_kind__gadt) Refl.desc
val translation_unit_refl : (translation_unittranslation_unit__structure, unit, translation_unit__rec_group[> template_parameter_kind__kinds ], unit, unit, unit, translation_unit__gadt) Refl.desc
val translation_unit_desc_refl : (translation_unit_desctranslation_unit_desc__structure, unit, translation_unit_desc__rec_group[> template_parameter_kind__kinds ], unit, unit, unit, translation_unit_desc__gadt) Refl.desc
type type_loc = Custom(LazyNode).type_loc = {
typeloc : Clang__.Clang__bindings.clang_ext_typeloc option;
desc : type_loc_desc;
and type_loc_desc = Custom(LazyNode).type_loc_desc =
| BuiltinTypeLoc of builtin_type

Built-in type.

| TypedefTypeLoc of ident_ref


| ConstantArrayTypeLoc of {
size : expr;
element : type_loc;

Constant array type. size contains the original expression. In the type qual_type, the size of ConstantArray is computed but size_as_expr contains the original expression.

let example = {| const int i = 1; int a[i + 1]; |}

let () =
  check_pattern quote_decl_list parse_declaration_list example
    [_; { desc = Var { var_name = "a"; var_type = { desc = ConstantArray {
      element = { desc = BuiltinType Int };
      size = 2 }}}} as decl]]
  ~result:begin fun bindings ->
    check_result (Pattern.check quote_type_loc
      (Clang.Decl.get_type_loc bindings#decl)
      [%pattern? { desc = ConstantArrayTypeLoc {
        size = { desc = BinaryOperator {
          lhs = { desc = DeclRef { name = IdentifierName "i" }};
          kind = Add;
          rhs = { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1)}}};
        element = { desc = BuiltinTypeLoc Int }}}])
| VariableArrayTypeLoc of {
size : expr;
element : type_loc;

Variable array type.

let example = "void f(int i, int a[i + 1]);"

let () =
  check_pattern quote_decl_list parse_declaration_list example
    [{ desc = Function { name = IdentifierName "f"; function_type =
      { result = { desc = BuiltinType Void };
        parameters = Some {
          non_variadic = [
            { desc = { name = "i"; qual_type = { desc = BuiltinType Int }}};
          variadic = false }}}}]]
  ~result:begin fun bindings ->
    check_result (Pattern.check quote_type_loc
      (Clang.Parameter.get_type_loc bindings#array)
      [%pattern? { desc = VariableArrayTypeLoc {
        size = { desc = BinaryOperator {
          lhs = { desc = DeclRef { name = IdentifierName "i" }};
          kind = Add;
          rhs = { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1)}}};
        element = { desc = BuiltinTypeLoc Int }}}])
| IncompleteArrayTypeLoc of {
element : type_loc;

Incomplete array type.

let example = "const int i = 1; void f(int a[][i + 1]);"

let () =
  check_pattern quote_decl_list parse_declaration_list example
    [_; { desc = Function { name = IdentifierName "f"; function_type =
      { result = { desc = BuiltinType Void };
        parameters = Some {
          non_variadic = [array];
          variadic = false }}}}]]
  ~result:begin fun bindings ->
    check_result (Pattern.check quote_type_loc
      (Clang.Parameter.get_type_loc bindings#array)
      [%pattern? { desc = IncompleteArrayTypeLoc {
        element = { desc = ConstantArrayTypeLoc {
          size = { desc = BinaryOperator {
            lhs = { desc = DeclRef { name = IdentifierName "i" }};
            kind = Add;
            rhs = { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1)}}};
          element = { desc = BuiltinTypeLoc Int }}}}}])
| PointerTypeLoc of {
pointee : type_loc;

Pointer type.

let example = "void f(int **a);"

let () =
  check_pattern quote_decl_list parse_declaration_list example
    [{ desc = Function { name = IdentifierName "f"; function_type =
      { result = { desc = BuiltinType Void };
        parameters = Some {
          non_variadic = [array];
          variadic = false }}}}]]
  ~result:begin fun bindings ->
    check_result (Pattern.check quote_type_loc
      (Clang.Parameter.get_type_loc bindings#array)
      [%pattern? { desc = PointerTypeLoc
        { pointee = { desc = PointerTypeLoc
          { pointee = { desc = BuiltinTypeLoc Int }}}}}])
| BlockPointerTypeLoc of {
pointee : type_loc;

Block pointer type (Clang's C language extension).

let example = {|
  typedef int (^IntBlock)();

let () =
  check_pattern quote_decl_list
    (parse_declaration_list ~command_line_args:["-fblocks"]) example
    [{ desc = TypedefDecl { name = "IntBlock"; _ }} as decl]]
  ~result:begin fun bindings ->
    check_result (Pattern.check quote_type_loc
      (Clang.Decl.get_type_loc bindings#decl)
      [%pattern? { desc = BlockPointerTypeLoc {
        pointee = { desc = FunctionTypeLoc {
          result = { desc = BuiltinTypeLoc Int };
          parameters = [] }}}}])
| MemberPointerTypeLoc of {
class_ : type_loc;
pointee : type_loc;

Member pointer type (C++).

let example = {|
  struct S {
    int i;
  int S::*p;

let () =
  check_pattern quote_decl_list
    (parse_declaration_list ~language:CXX) example
    [_; { desc = Var { var_name = "p"; var_type = { desc = MemberPointer {
      class_ = { desc = Record { name = IdentifierName "S" } };
      pointee = { desc = BuiltinType Int }}}}} as decl]]
  ~result:begin fun bindings ->
    check_result (Pattern.check quote_type_loc
      (Clang.Decl.get_type_loc bindings#decl)
      [%pattern? { desc = MemberPointerTypeLoc {
        class_ = { desc = RecordTypeLoc { name = IdentifierName "S"}};
        pointee = { desc = BuiltinTypeLoc Int }}}])
| FunctionTypeLoc of {
result : type_loc;
parameters : parameter list;

Function type.

let example = "int (*p)(int x[1 + 1]);"

let () =
  check_pattern quote_decl_list parse_declaration_list example
    [{ desc = Var { var_name = "p"; var_type = { desc =
      Pointer { desc = FunctionType {
        result = { desc = BuiltinType Int };
        parameters = Some { non_variadic = [
          { desc = { name = "x"; qual_type = { desc =
            ConstantArray {
              element = { desc = BuiltinType Int };
              size = 2;
              size_as_expr = Some { desc = BinaryOperator {
              lhs = { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1)};
              kind = Add;
              rhs = { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1)}}}}}}}] }}}}}} as decl]]
  ~result:begin fun bindings ->
    check_result (Pattern.check quote_type_loc
      (Clang.Decl.get_type_loc bindings#decl)
      [%pattern? { desc = PointerTypeLoc {
        pointee = { desc = FunctionTypeLoc {
          result = { desc = BuiltinTypeLoc Int };
          parameters = [
            { desc = { name = "x"; qual_type = { desc = ConstantArray {
              element = { desc = BuiltinType Int };
              size = 2; }}}} as parameter] }}}}])
      ~result:begin fun bindings ->
        check_result (Pattern.check quote_type_loc
          (Clang.Parameter.get_type_loc bindings#parameter)
          [%pattern? { desc = ConstantArrayTypeLoc {
            size = { desc = BinaryOperator {
              lhs = { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1)};
              kind = Add;
              rhs = { desc = IntegerLiteral (Int 1)}}};
            element = { desc = BuiltinTypeLoc Int }}}])
| QualifiedTypeLoc of type_loc

Qualified type.

let example = "const int i = 1;"

let () =
  check_pattern quote_decl_list parse_declaration_list example
    [{ desc = Var { var_name = "i";
      var_type = { const = true; desc = BuiltinType Int }}} as decl]]
  ~result:begin fun bindings ->
    check_result (Pattern.check quote_type_loc
      (Clang.Decl.get_type_loc bindings#decl)
      [%pattern? { desc = QualifiedTypeLoc { desc = BuiltinTypeLoc Int }}])
| RecordTypeLoc of ident_ref
| EnumTypeLoc of ident_ref
| ElaboratedTypeLoc of qual_type
| UnknownTypeLoc of Clang__.Clang__bindings.clang_ext_typeloc_class
type type_loc__arity = [
| `Zero
and type_loc__structure = [
| `Name of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `Opaque of [ `Zero ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `One of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] * unit) ]
and type_loc_desc__arity = [
| `Zero
and type_loc_desc__structure = [
| `Name of [ `Constr of ((([ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of builtin_type__structure * builtin_type__rec_group ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `Apply of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Refl.Builtins.list__structure * Refl.Builtins.list__rec_group ] ] * ([ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of parameter__structure * parameter__rec_group ] ] * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_positive0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_negative0 * unit) * (([ `Present ][ `Absent ]) Refl.Builtins.list__variable_direct0 * unit) * ((unit * unit * unit) * unit) ] ] * unit) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * ([ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of qual_type__structure * qual_type__rec_group ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref)) * (([ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of expr__structure * expr__rec_group ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] * unit) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of ident_ref__structure * ident_ref__rec_group ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * [ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref)) * ((([ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of ident_ref__structure * ident_ref__rec_group ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * ([ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of Clang__.Clang__bindings.clang_ext_typeloc_class__structure * Clang__.Clang__bindings.clang_ext_typeloc_class__rec_group ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref)) * (([ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of expr__structure * expr__rec_group ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] * unit) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref * [ `Constructor of [ `Tuple of [ `SubGADT of [ `RecGroup of ident_ref__structure * ident_ref__rec_group ] ] * unit ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref) * [ `Constructor of [ `Record of [ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] * ([ `Mono of [ `SubGADT of [ `Rec of [ `Zero of [ `Start ] ] ] ] ] * unit) ] * unit ] Stdcompat.ref)) ]
and type_loc__rec_group = (type_loc__arity * type_loc__structure) Stdcompat.ref * (type_loc_desc__arity * type_loc_desc__structure) Stdcompat.ref
and type_loc__kinds = [
| `Bool
| `Constr
| `Float
| `Int
| `Lazy
| `Opaque
| `Record
| `String
| `Tuple
| `Variable
and type_loc__gadt = Clang__.Clang__bindings.clang_ext_typeloc option * unit
and type_loc_desc__rec_group = type_loc__rec_group
and type_loc_desc__kinds = [
| `Bool
| `Constr
| `Float
| `Int
| `Lazy
| `Opaque
| `Record
| `String
| `Tuple
| `Variable
and type_loc_desc__gadt = unit
type Refl.refl += Refl_type_loc : type_loc Refl.refl
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Type_loc__sub_0 : (type_loc__gadttype_loc_desc__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.refl += Refl_type_loc_desc : type_loc_desc Refl.refl
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Type_loc_desc__sub_18 : (type_loc_desc__gadttype_loc__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Type_loc_desc__sub_17 : (type_loc_desc__gadttype_loc__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Type_loc_desc__sub_16 : (type_loc_desc__gadtident_ref__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Type_loc_desc__sub_15 : (type_loc_desc__gadttype_loc__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Type_loc_desc__sub_14 : (type_loc_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Type_loc_desc__sub_13 : (type_loc_desc__gadtClang__.Clang__bindings.clang_ext_typeloc_class__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Type_loc_desc__sub_12 : (type_loc_desc__gadttype_loc__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Type_loc_desc__sub_11 : (type_loc_desc__gadttype_loc__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Type_loc_desc__sub_10 : (type_loc_desc__gadtident_ref__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Type_loc_desc__sub_9 : (type_loc_desc__gadttype_loc__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Type_loc_desc__sub_8 : (type_loc_desc__gadtident_ref__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Type_loc_desc__sub_7 : (type_loc_desc__gadttype_loc__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Type_loc_desc__sub_6 : (type_loc_desc__gadtexpr__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Type_loc_desc__sub_5 : (type_loc_desc__gadtqual_type__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Type_loc_desc__sub_4 : (type_loc_desc__gadttype_loc__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Type_loc_desc__sub_3 : (type_loc_desc__gadtparameter Refl.Builtins.list__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Type_loc_desc__sub_2 : (type_loc_desc__gadtparameter__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Type_loc_desc__sub_1 : (type_loc_desc__gadttype_loc__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
type Refl.sub_gadt_ext += Type_loc_desc__sub_0 : (type_loc_desc__gadtbuiltin_type__gadt) Refl.sub_gadt_ext
val type_loc_refl : (type_loctype_loc__structure, unit, type_loc__rec_group[> template_parameter_kind__kinds ], unit, unit, unit, type_loc__gadt) Refl.desc
val type_loc_desc_refl : (type_loc_desctype_loc_desc__structure, unit, type_loc_desc__rec_group[> template_parameter_kind__kinds ], unit, unit, unit, type_loc_desc__gadt) Refl.desc